
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Installing a Detachable Sprayer in the Guest Bathroom

I have been using the basement shower more often due to the cracks in the base of my shower until the repair men come.

I had a water filter on the shower head which made the shower head quite low. I am rather tall and I had to bend my head back quite far to get it under the nozzle and it wasn't all that comfortable. I have a very tall son-in-law and thought it must be hard for him to wash his head when he visited.
I also know that at their house, they have a sprayer nozzle on their shower at home to wash and rinse the kids hair etc. I had been thinking about that the past few weeks as they are coming for a full week over Thanksgiving. 

I was at a second hand store last week and found a brand new detachable shower head that is six feet long. It is a snap 'n spray by Rinse Ace. I was so excited about that as it was marked $3 which I am sure is a great deal on the product. I just looked it up online and it is $30 at Bed, Bath, and Beyond here. My Heavenly Father is so good to provide the things I want and need just when I need them! 

I made a video of how it goes on and how quickly it is removed from the shower tip. It does have a good powerful sprayer on it and is a fast on and off. There were some things I wasn't thrilled with as you can either have the sprayer on or the shower. If you want to shift from one to the other, you need to turn off the shower and remove the sprayer. It is a quick change, but I wish they had an option to bypass the sprayer at the top. 

The other issue I have, is that it just hangs down and there is no where to tuck it if you want to leave it on or when you put it on, if it is facing out, you could get wet or flood your bathroom if the shut off isn't all the way off. I think it would be much better if they had a little hanging hook near the top so you could place it up there facing front as to not have a surprise spray possible. 

In all, I think my daughter and her family will be happy with the sprayer and removing the filter to give more height in the shower.  

Have a Blessed Day! 

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