
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Knock Until You Drop - Princess Five Working Hard

Hey Friends!

We had a very long week this week. We knocked a lot of doors.

I was able to go on exchanges with Sister Wellyn this week and we had a really cool experience. We were knocking doors and a young man named Jonathan answered the door we shared a quick scripture with him and asked him how Jesus Christ had played a part in his life, he told us that he has always loved going to church, and he knows that God answers his prayers. Sister Wellyn felt that she should ask him how old he was. He's 14. We told him we shared a wonderful story about a 14 year old boy with a lot of faith. We taught him the restoration right there he said that the first vision was incredible!

Contrary to what everyone thinks, we don't get fed by members too often, but when we do we always take it to go, because there is missionary work to be done! While we were on exchanges we took our food to go, but once we got to the car we realized we didn't have utensils but luckily, sister Wellyn whipped out her wooden utensils she caries around with her so those were fun to use.

On Saturday night we returned to visit him and we weren't able to get a hold of him, but we saw his neighbors going into the other door to the house, which was around the side and we did not see earlier. We recognized Raphael,(the father) because we had spoken with him about a month earlier in a street contact. We shared the video "gracias a Él" and some how we ended up teaching them the restoration. They were engaged the whole time while the grandmother was chasing Dilon (the one year old grandson) around making sure he didn't run into the street.

We had transfer call on Saturday and I'm staying here in field with Sister Staff!

Love you all! Don't forget to read your scriptures this week and all that good stuff!

Hermana Princess Five

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