
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

I Am A Gringo - Princess Five Mission Update

Hello everyone!

On Monday we went to teach our English class, but because it was labor day, no one had opened the doors of the school where we teach the classes. So we decided to make a make shift class and everyone sat on the front steps of school, it was really fun instead of a normal class we just practiced speaking with them, for our spiritual thought we decided to sing and when we were done a little girl who had come with her family asked if she could perform as well. She sang this cute little song for everyone. It was so cute and genuine, Why can't we all just become as little children?!

On Tuesday we had a wonderful lesson with our friend Tesa! She is so excited to read the Book of Mormon!

Thursday we went to Ellis Island, I was actually able to use some of my Spanish to help an Italian woman from Chile, find her ancestors who came to America. So fun stuff as always. AND I only got a little lost on the way home so I deserve a pat on the back. When we got home we finally went to this sushi place that is like 20 ft. From our front door and it was soooooo super good!

This week sister Staff was sick, so Friday we had to stay inside all day, Saturday she still wasn't feeling to well so we decided to go to Kearny for the day. Sister Staff and sister Zola's companion who also wasn't feeling well that day were able to rest, and sister Zola and I were able to go finding for a couple hours, it was a really fun experience to be back there again. As we were leaving we went to the car. Two other cars parked in front of and behind us. I had maybe 3 inches in front and 6 inches in the back, so with sister Staff in the back, and sister Zola in front, we made a 6 point turn, with the assistance of some by standers saying I should just hit the car.

We had an English class with a man, and when we were done he raised his arms out to his sides and in his very broken English he exclaimed, "I am GRINGO!" it was so funny. 

And then on Sunday, our friend Esa came to Church, and she loved it. The stake relief society president asked me to translate for her, and let me just say it was super rough. Especially when all the women would be talking over each other and having side conversations. It's one thing to understand and another thing to put that understanding into words. But she got the fist of what was going on.

Hermana Princess Five

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