
Friday, September 6, 2019

Headache Storm Day and Jewelry Sorting 14K Gold Necklace For $5

I had a rough day. I woke with a headache which got worse and worse as the day progressed to the point of nausea and being dizzy. I had a friend want to visit as I have been gone more in the last two months than I have been home, so I invited her for lunch as I had cooked a roast and some stir-fry yesterday. 

I took some pills and we visited and ate some lunch. She invited me out to lunch, but since I wasn't feeling well, we just visited at my house. While she was here, she drove her convertible over and I suggested she put the top up as my head was indicating a bad storm. It was so horrible that I had sharp pains behind my eye. 

She put the roof up and left her windows open and I suggested she close the windows as my head got much worse in a few minutes time. She no sooner got her windows closed and returned to the house when the rain came down and thunder started. It was like a monsoon. She kept commenting on how hard it was raining. I just kept closing my eyes as the light hurt my head. 

Towards the end of the rain, the medication I took kicked in and I started feeling a bit better, but was super tired. My friend left and I started working on my bills and then was dizzy and fell asleep in my massage chair for an hour or two and woke feeling a bit better but it has been a rough day. 

Sorry that the last week has been such a boring blog week, but I am really tired and the weather has not been my friend, as well as traveling so much. I was also able to finish picking the last plums off my tree and putting my last load onto the dehydrator. I was glad to get so many plums this year as I got none last year. 

Anyway, hoping to get a good night sleep and wake feeling better. Have a Blessed Day and enjoy this jewelry sorting video!   


  1. You have been a God send. A couple of months ago I had saw one of your videos on YouTube. And the image on the video that made me click it was, your hand. It looked very familiar. As did other skin symptoms. But when you started telling your story and the symptoms ,I knew immediately I was dealing with the same type of issue. I already knew it had to be a creeping eruption of sorts. But none of the known parasites fit the description of anything I had been experiencing. Horsehair worms did but as far as I knew they were not know to infect humans. The movement of skin and moving hair is by far the scariest thing I have ever experienced in my life,and I've have 4 daughters. I had even been trying the same products and having the same reactions. I still have yet to be tested for any parasites at all. I have been treated for scabbies, lice, pinworms, ect. Recently given the one that starts with a Z. But was told I should see a psychiatrist from a doctor who stood 6ft away. Judging me and assuming I'm either on drugs or crazy seems to be the normal response I have gotten. Couldn't even get a drug test to prove that it wasn't a cause. So you can imagine how thankful I was to have found your videos. I would really like to have a chance to chat with you. I don't want a doctor referral or a cure. I would just like to chat with someone who gets it and see more of your thoughts concerning it. I saw an 11 yr old at the ER last week she had treated 3 different times for different things already and I'm sure that night made the 4th time she was treated without success. Her mother and aunt sat there with a look of complete confusion and overheard them talking about her symptoms, treatments not helping and creepy yet familiar symptoms. I mentioned the possibility of this parasite and never thought more about it until I got home. And when I thought about how the doctor had without hesitation deemed me crazy, it made me cry. Because I thought that little girl is more than likely going to experience that same treatment as well as unnecessary medication. I live in WV and apparently if it doesn't have to do with narcan or narcotics they don't know anything about it. And the children shouldn't have to pay the price for uneducated doctors. Please help me, I am interested in trying to bring more attention to this because I also believe Morgellons is one and the same disease. Advice and suggestions is truly needed.l

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and story. It is hard for me to know what to do in these cases as so many contact me on the different blogs and channels and emails. I really have posted everything I know and it takes me hours nightly to answer questions, blog and youtube. I am still dealing with so many things in my life that I put the parasite new web page, trying new cures, research etc on hold as I have family situations that are emergencies and my life has been crazy.
      I want the new web page to be a place where people can chat together about symptoms, things they have tried, test that show something, how to get Dr.'s and labs to run tests etc.

      I have a few things I HAVE to get done in the next week or two before I can finish the web page. Then fall yard care, some other health things etc. I sometimes feel that I should just stop blogging and live my life, but then I get sweet notes like yours and KNOW that I need to see this through. I do have an email that people can write me but I haven't looked at it in two months with my father nearly dying recently. I do feel like I am getting on top of things now I am home and pray that I can be more proactive again.

      I will say a prayer for us both and feel free to write me at and I will try to get to that soon. I also have cried over this and over the babies suffering. Some mom's even lost their kids over this. It truly is a crime that Science hasn't figured this out yet.
      God Bless us both! Keep the faith!
