
Monday, August 19, 2019

Arbor Part 4 - Wisteria Vine Growth in a Months Time

I did several posts last month about the arbor at my fathers home. The vines on it had been growing since before they purchased the home 22 years ago. It was a big mess so in my posts and videos. 

I shared how we cut back the vines - See that post here. 

I showed reinforcing the arbor, see that post here.

And, showed how to guide the vines along twine  so that they grow in the direction you want, see that post here.

I was back up at my dad's still helping him with his health and it had been exactly a month since I cut down the vines off the arbor and I couldn't believe the growth in the vines. I actually had to put up more guide twines on the arbor so that we could guide the wisteria vines where we wanted them to go since there had been so much growth on the vines in one months time. 

I made a video of the growth showing how the guide lines we put up in the "part 3" video helped direct the growth of the plants. We also had to wrap some twine around the post vines to guide them  up to the top of the arbor. 

We were afraid if we cut them on the sides, it may kill part of the plants that were growing outward at the top so we wrapped twine all around the vines growing up the support posts but wrapped it loosely enough that it wouldn't hurt the growth but would allow it to be guided to the top twines where they want the shade of the plants. 

It is amazing how quickly the vines grew and they will have shade by fall for the most part. I do think they like the sunshine coming in so I don't think they will allow the vines to completely take over as they had in the past.

I am glad I could help them with all these projects when they were struggling with other issues and I rest easier knowing they won't have to worry about that for a few more years now. 

Have a Blessed day! 

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