
Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Beet Story - God Loves Me

A few months back, I posted about feeling like I needed to eat beets. I hadn't eaten them in many years but felt they would help me in some way. After eating them, I felt a surge of some kind. Here is a link to that post. 

I shared the past few days that I have been tired and not feeling all that energetic and I think it has been overload to having so much going on these past few months.

I was at the grocery store yesterday checking out in the "self check-out" area when the worker commented on my basket asking, "Are you having a fruit party?" due to the amount of melons and pineapple I had in my cart. 

I shared with her that I eat fish, chicken, rice, beets, and fruit and veggies each meal. I realized at that point after having been out of town for over a month, that I didn't get any beets in my cart. I thought about running back into the store to get some but was so tired, I thought I would pick some up on my next visit as all I wanted to do was to go home and lie down. 

I got home, put away the groceries and immediately collapsed onto the couch. Just then my phone rang and it was my neighbor asking if I would like some beets from his garden. I laughed to myself and told him I would take any beets he would like to share as I eat them daily. I hung up and gave gratitude to my Heavenly Father that he cares enough to get me the things I want as well as the things I need and will have them delivered to my door! 

This morning, he delivered a bag a beets and a bag of cherry tomatoes to my door! I spent the day cooking my meals for the next week and was giving gratitude the entire time that God cares enough about me to send beets to my door. This has happened so many times in the past many years that I think people may not believe that I get so many blessings but God knows how tired I am and God knows that the beets make me feel better, and God knows I am doing my best. Even today I went and helped the mother of one of my dearest friends in town who is having some health issues. 

I know that God helps me so I can help others. It is one giant round in the world. One person helps another and that person helps another and around it goes.

Thanks to those of you who have helped me on that great eternal round of service! I count myself blessed to be on the round, serving and receiving the blessings of both! 

Have a Blessed and abundant day! 

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