
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Visiting Her First Mission Area - A Note From Princess Five's Mission Leader

I got this email and thought I would share it ,and the pictures that came with it, about Princess Five. It was kind of her training leader to write us this sweet note. 

"Dear Family of Sister Princess Number Five, 

I just wanted to write you and tell you how amazing and special your daughter is. My name is Sister "In Charge" I was her stl this last transfer which means I got to go on exchanges her and see how she is doing. I thought it would bring you comfort to know she is an absolute power house! 

Every time she testifies or does anything it's just inspiring because you can tell she follows the will of the spirit to do the work of The Father. She has such heart felt prayers. It was cool seeing her come back to Paterson where she was trained because I could tell how much she really loved the people she has served. 

Your daughter has such great determination as well, you would be so proud of her Spanish as she speaks like a native! I just loved watching her completely jump into the work and love it all day everyday. She will do great things here in New Jersey and in life. 

I just wanted to tell you that she is awesome, but of course you probably already knew that being her parent and all! "

Thanks for taking the time to read this! Have a good day.

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