
Thursday, July 18, 2019

God Gives You Just What You Need When You Need It

As you know, my life has been a bit crazy the past month. I am really tired and have so much to do but am not sure where to start. 

My yard just won't stop producing weeds. I poisoned and it hasn't seemed to make a difference. I keep having sprinkler issues and have tried to fix this particular issues four different times. I look at what I did while staying at my dad's and felt like time was slowed down and I could get more done at his house than my own.

 I brought an entire car load of boxes home with me from my dads house. My house is still filled with my mothers items, my kids items and lots of my own stuff or things I would like to have in my house but just not actually using or displaying. 

I need to sort through all the boxes and organize the pictures, histories, VHS tapes, audio tapes, digital files etc. It is a bit frustrating to have so much stuff of other family members to go through and scan but I feel like I couldn't finish my mothers life story without going through my father stuff. 

I also feel like I was meant to be at his house so I could find all the family history in all the boxes he has stored. Both of my parents are academics and collectors. They loved information and had files and boxes of just papers. I appreciate my father's ability to compile and write and in going through all his files, writings, etc, I have learned more about him. I am looking forward to organizing it all into a usable and scannable format. 

I was stressing about how I was going to get all these boxes of items to the University campus library to scan them on the digital scanners they have available for use for free. Today was my first day home, and I went to one of my favorite second hand stores and I saw an items I had never seen at one before. It is a fold up dolly that has a safety guide that comes down and locks on one side to help you pull it at an angle and not have it drop or having to push it upright to stand. It is made out of steel and seems durable. The bungies will help hold the boxes on and I can get the boxes to the library in one trip using this dolly. I thought I would have to make several trips using a smaller carrier I borrowed from my dads home. 

While at the same store, I found a plastic file cabinet tote. I had wondered about using a tote to store some of the stuff but he has most things in files. It would be nice to have one file container that is water proof where I can keep all his important papers knowing they will be safe from future floods and the originals will be kept dry. I will scan them all, but it is good to have the originals. I thought to myself as I found both of those things near each other, "God has placed things I didn't even know existed in my path just when I needed them and didn't even know to ask for them because I didn't know it existed. At first, I thought I would borrow a stroller to carry each box in. Now, I can take several at a time and not have to store a big dolly or carrier in the car. This rack folds down into a very small space. 

I am relieved that a few of my concerns were dealt with today and I hadn't even voiced them to God yet. He is taking care of things before I can even worry about them. I was pondering on that as I was getting ready to write my blog. 

I checked my youtube account as I post numbers each day in my journal and I loved that when I opened the page, there were 111 views in the U.S. I have seen 111 about four times today. It was in an episode of something I watched on Netflix today while doing my checkbook, and I found a penny at the store when I picked up groceries for the first time in a month. There have been many signs from God that He is aware of what I am doing and how I am doing. I feel very blessed that my dad is doing better and I am being helped as I try and help him. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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