
Monday, July 15, 2019

Fun Looking at Fifty Years Old Articles on The Moon Landing - Happy Anniversary

As you know, I have been back and forth helping my father with some health issues. I will post about that at some point, but for now, I want to share with you something fun that happened this week. 

I have been helping my father go through lots of boxes of items that he has collected for the past sixty years or so. He has written many studies and articles as he is a PHD and he has all the information on all the studies that he did stored, as well as many supportive documents, news articles, and notes that he wrote on the many subjects.

Having 8 kids, and many moves, there were / are many boxes of stuff and it seems like there is a bit of personal history in each box of things going on at the time. There are diplomas for his two masters degrees and his PHD. There are certificates from all sorts of things. There are pictures in each box for what he was doing at that time as well. 

I had nearly finished going through the boxes in his basement when I was in his closet helping him get some clothes out, and I look up and noticed several boxes on the top shelf. One had "Diplomas" written on it. 

I pulled down all those boxes and there were many fun treasures in those boxes including some things about my mother. It was such a blessing that I looked up. I had been in his closet nearly every day for weeks and had never looked up. It was wonderful that I looked up! 

I think angels were (and are) guiding me to find things that relate to personal history. If you look up "history" on my blog by typing it into the search at the bottom of the home page, you will find LOTS of posts on that as I have been working on my mothers history for many years and am still working on that. 

I was so grateful that I found his childhood photo album and scrap book in those boxes! I guess he had forgotten they were up there. Once I asked him about them, he told me that he knew they were up there, but truly I know he didn't know what was in them as one was his childhood albums and a half a box of trash with tic-tacs, receipts, clothes tags etc. 

While taking those down, my step-mother (clarification only as I love her like a mother) had me get down her suitcase of things so she could go through it. She knew she had some newspapers with the Apollo Moon landing in them and wanted to share them with her grandchildren since it is the fiftieth anniversary. 

She is so organized and a minimalist and is an inspiration to me. I realize I have collected everyone's history and know that it is important, but it can be so overwhelming and it is keeping me from getting my kids stuff done. 

I am hoping I can help get my dad organized and I can get through this stuff quickly and get it all scanned and share it with my siblings and many cousins. Since my dad is a triplet, many of his history items would be interesting to my cousins as well. 

I thought I would share the papers with you as it was fun to look them over and see what was reported at the time. I am not sure how she got two different papers but she has one from Hawaii where she was living at the time and one from Washington State. 

I appreciated that one article was asking if man would find God in space? I know Senator Jake Garn talked about having a spiritual experience while he was in space. Perhaps some of them did find God in space. 

I hope you enjoy these as much as we did! Have a Blessed day! 

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