
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Fixing a Broken Handrail Screwed Into Cement Stairs - Cute Landscaping

While staying with my dad while his knee is healing, I have been trying to help get things done around the house and yard that he can't do while he is recovering. 

If there are projects that are beyond me, I have put them on a family group text and tried to get some of my siblings who are very skilled in many areas to come and help fix the problem or perhaps they know someone who may be able to fix the problem they are having. 

While my dad has been unable to bend his leg, he was leaning heavily on the hand rail going to the house. It was bolted into cement and with her tall stature, even though he is very thin, I think the pressure cracked the cement near the bolts causing the rail to be unsafe so he had to avoid using the front door until it could be fixed.

My youngest brother came while I was home working on my own yard issues, and fixed the rail by just moving it up further on the stair and bolting it down again and then made a frame and poured in new cement and repaired that area of cracked cement. 

When he took the forms off and noticed the small air bubble gaps, he said he would be back to fill those holes and he wanted to blend the top in better with the type of cement for the stairs so he will be headed back to do that project but I was so impressed with his quick response time to my text getting it done within a few days. 

They had an issue with the garage door not working as well one of those days so my brother also fixed that. During that time there was no way for my dad to get into or out of the house so it was nice that my brother was able to come and help fix those issues so quickly. 

Every one of my brothers has been at my dads helping in the past few weeks doing what they do best to help get things off the "list" and I appreciate that they are all so willing to help that way. I know it meant a lot to my dad and his wife to have everyone rally getting the things done that my dad thought he would be able to do if the surgery had gone well. 

He is doing better in some ways and not so well in others and I pray that he can start to heal better and move along his recovery but at least they aren't talking a second surgery anymore on that knee so they have improved some. 

I don't think I ever posted about his surgery situation so perhaps I will share that this week. I made a video showing what the stair rail looks like now and hopefully it can help others who have similar problems take care of it inexpensively and quickly. It pays having smart family members. 

I also wanted to share how cute their landscaping is around the driveway. They have those cute flower beds all the way around the lot as they have a corner lot. It really looks nice and keeps weeding to a minimum and makes mowing the grass level.  

Have a blessed day! 

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