
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Poison, Poison, Poison, and Fertilizer Kinda Day

I knew I had to put down some poison in the "litter box" area of the garden where the cats seem to need to go. I bought two different types of insecticide as I don't know which type would work on the nematodes. 

I bought two bottles of this cutter insecticide that attaches to the hose and sprayed that in the "litter box" area and used it on the entire yard as well. It is for mites and grubs and other yard insects. 

I have also had grub issues for the over 20 years I have lived in this house. It has been frustrating and a fight every year but I hoped that double covering the yard and "litter box" area in the play ground spot will kill off the nematodes that are in the yard as I covered both areas with the insecticides and I still have three other bags of granules to use through the summer. 

I then purchased some weed poison. I talked to a man at the hardware store saying I have always struggled trying to keep the weeds out of my yard due to an empty field next door that spreads weed seeds in my yard every windy day. 

He suggested buying "Weed B Gone" and "2-4-D" and putting 2 ounces of each per gallon in the sprayer and spraying every month. I pray that his suggestion will work for me as I have struggled with the weeds every year in this house. 

I realized that I usually use "Weed and Feed" on my lawn but since I used the weed sprayer this year, I realized that I needed to fertilize the grass as well so I had a few bags of fertilizer from past years so I went ahead and spread this on the grass tonight as well. 

I had to be careful because using the spreader and the sprayer can cause problems if it is windy at all. I had to wait until it was near dark to start spraying and it got dark and took me FOREVER to spray as the sprayer kept loosing pressure so I was outside doing the spraying and spreading from about 7 p.m. until after 11 p.m. 

It was great that I have outside flood lights so that I could finish the spraying etc. as I had on socks, longs sleeves, pants, gloves etc. and it was SO hot I was dripping sweat for hours. 

I pulled out two dead bushes from the front of the house at dark last night as I wanted to be able to put them in the trash pick up so I was happy to get the poisoning and the two bushes off my list of things to do.

The one thing I didn't get to was the grass spraying in the garden flower beds. I have used "grass out" in the past and it worked well. This was the nearest thing I could find to that product but I haven't used it before. 

I am going to put this into a smaller spray bottle and spray it directly the grass in the garden beds and pray it works as I am so tired of pulling the grass out of the flower area. 

I was super sad that I broke my gardening Birkenstocks tonight doing all that bending and spraying which means I need to purchase a new pair to ware daily and make the ones I have now a gardening pair. I usually buy my new ones before retiring my daily pair, but I have really used those shoes so much in the past few weeks. I am grateful they have lasted as long as they have. 

Have a Blessed and weed free day!

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