
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

My Go To Sinus Headache and Migraine Cure

I broke my nose in a boating accident just after I got married. We were heading home for the day when a larger boat passed us while we were heading under a bridge and they should have slowed but didn't. 

The large wake from their boat picked our boat up and threw us into the cement pilons that supported the bridge. I was relaxing on the back rear facing seat and when we hit, my knee came up and hit me in the nose breaking my nose. 

The other boat knew they had messed up and returned to tow us to shore. By the time we reached the boat ramp which was not far, we were chest deep in water. The boat was totaled and three of us had injuries that needed medical attention. 

I had a nose surgery and have always suffered from that time with headaches when there was a pressure storm or when I would change altitude quickly. 

I have shared about this on my blog before but hadn't made a video about the "cure" that someone shared with me. 

I think it was another nurse while I was working that told me about this cure. It may also have been a patient while I was working but it has been so many years ago now that I don't remember. 

She told me that she takes one Sudafed, one or two Tylenol tablets, and drinks 20 ounces of Coke really fast. 

Since that time, it is my "go to" cure for my headaches. I start with a Coke. If that doesn't work alone, I will take a Sudafed. If those don't work, I will take one Tylenol, if still suffering, I take a ibuprofen tablet. If I am still suffering, I will take another Tylenol tablet. 

I usually get relief from just taking some Coke and a Sudafed but if I wake up in the middle of a horrible headache, I have to try other things. 

For the most part, this has worked faithfully for 20 years. 

Have a Blessed and Headache free Day!

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