
Monday, June 17, 2019

Happy Fathers Day - I Will Update You Later

Lots going on in my world and I wish I had a few minutes to update you on what is going on. 

Instead, I am going to share a jewelry sorting video and it may be a rough week for posting. I will have to play it by ear. I just wanted you to know, I hope you had a good Fathers Day and I count myself lucky to have such wonderful Father Figures in my life and to have a loving father who has always been concerned for my well being as well as my children's. I am also grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who has never left me without my wants and needs being covered. I feel truly blessed. 

Have a Blessed Day! 


  1. I found your peroxide video after 4 years of being in complete despair with this nightmare. I was crying when I realized my hands were exactly as you explained!The pain was off the charts. So, after 20 visits to the hospital, specialists, dermatologists, optomologisosts,infectious disease, blood tests, smear tests, scabies treatment, parasite medication (a week), anti fungal cremes,I was diagnosed with delusions, mental illness, stress, menapause,as well as a ridiculous final post release that I dont understand the English language. Consequently, I have a double major in both English and psychology.
    My eyes swell shut every 28 days or so along with my body. I have lost my hair as well as 40 lbs. I I have been telling the almighty "omniscient" doctors that I have a parasite from day one but, they refuse to hear my screams for help. I am exhausted and desperate for help! I have pictures and videos that I would like to share with you. I am at the end of my proverbial rope! Please help

    1. I am so sorry to hear your situation. I get emails, comments, youtube comments etc almost daily from people going through exactly what you are and I wish I had a cure to help but can only share my videos and blog. I do have an email that you can send pictures and videos to and I can post them if they show something but people keep writing thinking I have some cure or something but really I post everything I try. I am working on a webpage that shows tests, results, pictures, symptoms etc but have struggled getting it finished with some crazy life stuff going on but hope to get it finished soon so you can send your Dr. to it to see what tests they did etc. I wish I had more to share but check out my parasite playlist on my youtube channel thesecretisgratitude and hopefully something there will help. You can write me at Have a blessed day and I will pray that we find the cure soon!
