
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Be The Sunshine

 I shared yesterday how I was asked to give a little update to our church congregation on Sunday and wasn't sure I would be in town. I contacted the man who asked me to do the update and told him I could be in town. 

I get a text back saying there are only two people speaking for the hour and I should plan on 15 minutes and look up a talk on how to be a good missionary and share what I find. I felt a bit "played" in the situation as he KNOWS I have been super busy and crazy for a few weeks and really I don't have time to study that talk he wants me to share about. 

I almost wanted to tell him I couldn't make it and let someone else read the update Princess Five sent, but I would hate to have to get people to speak every week so I figured I could handle 15 minutes. So that is the "played" part In the GIF above, 

I have a few family members who don't know how negative they are and I had to pull away from them in the past due to how they made me feel when I would be around them or talk to them. It seems like every so often I "try" to be open to being around them more at family gatherings and so I had been making efforts and in one short text, post, mail, or conversation it is amazing to me how people can shut you down. I KNOW they don't realize they are doing it, but I believe it has to do with them not wanting to have to help, or feeling guilty they aren't doing as much or "measuring" up in some way in their own eyes. 

I have some distant relatives whose father was very negative and they don't have much to do with him, however, they are just like him. They come into a space where people are happy and content and they stir the pot just to stir the pot. Many family members have shared that they just don't follow them but are afraid to unfriend them. I have had that thought many times when I see how they take a situation where people are content, and stir it up and ruin things for everyone else just to make a point that really didn't need to be made. I have found that being around, or in contact with these types of people leaves me feeling dirty and stressed. I feel like I need to decontaminate my mind and spirit after even texting sometimes. 

I really enjoy when I can go home to my peaceful house and recharge and I have decided, I am going to choose to not associate with those people. I shouldn't have to put up walls and defend myself, my opinions or thoughts. I want to be a ray of sunshine in peoples world so they feel better after leaving and having seen me. 

I need to work on it more and more, and I am aware of where I am at in the process. I really feel sad for those people who need to have that type of contention and negativity in their world. I was blessed with a mother who used to sing us, "You are my Sunshine" and would always teach us to see the other side of situations when we would judge. I pray for those who are stuck in the negative as it must be a really unhappy place. Until they are ready to shift into some light, I will be taking a different path. 

Have a SUNSHINNY Blessed Day!  Be the SUNSHINE! 

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