
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Three Bags of Jewelry Sort - Silver and Small Gold Earrings

I had such a busy week last week that I wasn't taking my "Lemon Ginger Blast" morning and night as I have been for a month or two. 

I started with a sore throat a few days back and got it to go away for a day or two. Today, it was back along with another pressure storm headache. I was awake before six a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up and ate some things and was just so tired I laid on the couch for a few minutes freezing cold in a ball. I finally gave in and I climbed back into bed exhausted and freezing and was able to finally get a few hours of sleep and get warm.

I woke up a few hours later with the sore throat again. I took some more Lemon Ginger Blast and felt better for a few hours and tonight, I made a new batch with lots of HOT cayenne and it burned going down. It did make me feel a bit better and I also took some vitamin C and hope that I can get some good sleep tonight.

I have so much to do on my yard and sprinklers that I hope I can get it all done this weekend. I need a few days of feeling good to get something done. I think once I get started, I will get going quickly but I just need to feel good enough to go out and do it. 

Have a blessed day and I hope you enjoy these jewelry sorting videos. 

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