
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Someone She Can Count On - Time With A Princess

It is interesting to me how days sometimes take on a life of their own. I have one of my girls home for the next few days. She came home to help me in the yard and do a few things before she starts her summer semester at school. 

It has rained for two days on and off and we haven't done a thing in the yard, but we have gotten a few things she needed to get done before heading back to school. Tonight, we were planning on heading to bed early to get more things done tomorrow and the night just kinda took on a life and things didn't go as we planned.

I LOVE that sometimes God has a different plan than we do and makes sure that what HE needs us to do happens. And, if we are paying attention, HE can guide us in what needs to be done, rather than what WE think needs to be done. 

When I was a parent of young children, sometimes this would be just putting the cleaning supplies down and listening to a young child express the concerns of their heart. 

Sometimes even our grown children need us to put down the cleaning supplies and just listen to their concerns. I have a list several pages long of things I need to get done, but instead, I helped my adorable daughter find some costumes for one of her "Teams" at work at the college and we got her signed up for some health insurance as she has been without for a year now. I was able to sit and rub her feet as she talked about boys, choices she needs to make for school, some life concerns, funny stories about life situations and the minutes turned into hours and it is now nearly six a.m. and she just went to bed with a huge smile on her face. 

She also listened to me after I listened to her talk, and we visited about things I would like in my future and stories from my past that she didn't know. It was a day that I think God had planned for us both. I didn't get anything on "my list" done, but I wouldn't trade our night for anything. It was just what we both needed. 

She sent me a link to this song I had never heard of before called "Someone He Can Count On" with a note saying "I love you cute mom!" 

I often wonder why I am so blessed!? I LOVE YOU TOO CUTE PRINCESS! 

Have a Blessed and God filled Day! 

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