
Monday, May 6, 2019

Gluten Free Pizza Reaction - Enjoy My Latest Parasite Update Video

I had a friend bring me a gluten free pizza today. I forgot that I had a reaction last time I ate their gluten free pizza and ate most of the pizza for dinner. By nine, I was swelling and so cold and exhausted that I was falling asleep sitting up. 

I climbed into bed with sweats on and all my covers and I froze in a fitful sleep for about three hours. I woke with my feet so cold and in a ball. I turned on my heated mattress pad and was able to get up once I was warm. 

Since that point, my face and eyes are a bit swollen and my hands and feet are very swollen and I feel horrible. Either their gluten free pizza isn't gluten free, or I am gaining other allergies to non-gluten grains which is possible as I have reactions to some gluten free baking mixes but I can't pinpoint what in those mixes I am reacting to. I will now be avoiding any gluten free pizza's unless I have tried them in the past without a reaction as this reaction is much more intense than the last time I ate the same pizza. It could get bad fast in the future.

Enjoy this video I made today as a parasite update. Have a Blessed day! 

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