
Thursday, April 25, 2019

My Mother's Been Gone For Three Years, But Not Gone Forever

Princess Five wrote an email and sent a few pictures this week and then sent these pictures after so some of the things in that post this week are explaining the pictures in this post. 

Here is a link to that post. I know that my mother is making herself known the past week or two as it is the third anniversary of her death and funeral. I have shared many times in the past few years, about how I see a rainbow around times when I would want my mother there or days or anniversaries around my mother. 

I smiled when Princess Five sent this picture of a rainbow on her mission this week as it is so my mother! I think my mother was just letting her know that she is around and things are good. 

Tonight, I am working on my blog and emails, replies to comments etc, and there was a video on YouTube that showed up and there was a video about a little autistic boy getting some help using a certain product. 

I have not searched that product type for many months and haven't had that show up on my feed before. I decided to listen to it as I uploaded things. 

I laughed out loud when the product name ended up being my mothers name! Seriously can't make this type of thing up! I laughed as I knew I was going to post about that tonight. I really feel like my mother is connecting with me this week and it is interesting that some family members I haven't had any contact with in many months all contacted me this week not even realizing it was an anniversary of sorts. 

I am grateful I know that there is life after death and that my mother is still around doing her thing. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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