
Monday, March 4, 2019

Reviewing Fiskars Scissors Sharpener - Some Good, Some Bad

I helped a friend last week make a t-shirt quilt for her friend. I have been making these quilts for many years and I am happy to help others learn how to make them from my mistakes and experience. 

While making the quilt, I have several different pairs of scissors in my sewing area and just grab the nearest pair for what we were doing. She commented on a few pair of my scissors and brought me the most thoughtful gift the next morning when we were going to be finishing the quilt. 

She bought me a "scissors sharper" make by Fiskars. I had never seen or heard of something like that before so I thought I would do a review on it as I am guessing many of you have never heard of it before either. I was happy to share her gift with all of you so you could also see how it worked.

I gathered my various scissors from around the house. I mostly use them in the kitchen and sewing areas. Those are the two main places I need them so I learned that my two best scissors were both in the kitchen and the others were not the best and thus why she thought I needed the sharpener. 

Not that the others were horrible, just older and in need of sharpening. I found it funny that all but one pair of my scissors are sewing scissors and supposed to be used on fabric only! It made me laugh some as they are expensive scissors but well worth the cost as they work so well. I have had some of them for 20 years or more and I think I remember sharpening something many years ago at some point but considering how much I have used them over the years making all those quilts I have made and all the kids reports, art creations etc, I think they have done well. 

I made a video so you could see the test to know how they cut before and after so you could see I was using the same scissors and then see how they worked after the sharpening, I think it worked for the most part. The Singer brand scissors were thicker than the holes for the sharpener so I couldn't use them on those scissors. 

It says it has a lifetime warranty on the unit case but unless you kept the packaging, I don't know that you would remember that in a few years. Also, the unit is LARGE to store. 

I think it did make it easier to sharpen over a sharpening stone or a sharpener on a can opener type but I don't know that I would suggest spending the money on it unless you are a quilter and would be using it a ton. I feel like it is something I would use once a year or less and to store such a large item for that short amount of time use makes me think I would rather use another method. 

It did work and if you use Fiskars scissors, it may be worth it for you. Not all scissors fit in it so, unless you are sure your pair would fit, I don't know that I would spend the money on it. 

I notice online just now that they have a "Smaller" version for sale now so maybe they already had someone share that the one I got was large to store. Also, in looking at their scissors online, a new pair of scissors is under $20 so the prices have come down over the years and rather than buying a sharpener, you could just invest in a new pair of scissors as some are the exact or similar price than the sharpener. 

Over all it did work but feel like maybe not worth the storage and cost. So, take it for what it is and have a Blessed and Sharp Day! 

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