
Friday, March 15, 2019

David Archuleta Was HERE - Funny Story

I shared yesterday that I had a wedding. There were activities on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. I took Princess Four and Two with me to visit a Temple for our church near my nieces home after traveling to her city.

When we pulled up to the temple, a car pulled out right as close as we could be to the temple and as we pull in, David Archuleta was six feet from our car. A girl was fanning on him and another saw him and walked over timidly as the other girl left. Princess Four says, “Is that David Archuleta?” Princess Two and I say, “Yes, it is!” and we all started laughing as he looks at us in the car like he wants to duck and run before anyone else corners him and then sees us all staring at him and he and smiled a bashful smile like, "Yes, I am cornered and yes, I can see you know who I am, and yes, I want to get away from the girl." 

We burst out laughing because it was really easy to see what he was thinking, and we get out of the car and you can hear him trying to be polite to the girl and we don't dare take out our phones to take a picture. We smile and walk towards the temple and he seemed relieved.  We didn't try and sneak one but we giggled all the way into the temple. He was cute with all the emotions in that few seconds of eye contact. 

Many years ago, I passed him in the hall of a different temple we were visiting, and he looked familiar but I couldn't place him. It was just he and I in the hall, and I smiled and said "hello" and he had a funny look on his face which could have been, "She has no clue why I look familiar or one of a hundred other similar thoughts. As soon as I turned the corner, I met up with my girls and they said, "These people just told us David Archuleta just left! 

I laughed at myself that day and laughed together with my girls this time. I took the girls to see him in a concert with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at Christmas many years ago. We stood in a cold line to get a few CD's signed by him. He was so cute with Princess Five and I was sad I hadn't gone back to get my camera in the car as I only got a few bad pictures on an old flip phone at the time, but I did post a blog about it so here is a link to that post. 

After the visit to the temple, I asked the girls if they wanted a picture in the spot where "David" was standing, and they both thought that was HILARIOUSE! We ended up taking a bunch of funny shots as Princess Four pretended to be her and Princess Two pretended to be David Archuleta and we hear he is short but haven't stood next to him so she just bent down to get into character. ha ha. 

The other pictures are showing how sad they were he wasn't there for our pictures. It was a funny situation as we really would have enjoyed talking to him, but wanted to respect his privacy. I just looked up his facebook page and I guess he is leaving next week for a tour so it was fun we got to see him before he leaves! 

Enjoy our rendition of "David Archuleta Was Here" and have a Blessed Day! 

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