
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A New Gratitude Facebook Page, 111, In God We Trust, and More

I visited a Thrift Shop today and I was helping put back some stuff that people left in the wrong areas and the assistant manager said, “we should give you a salary” or something like that, and I said, “No, I am just glad I can get some jewelry sometimes.” 

I turn around and the manager is standing there with four bags of jewelry in his arms not anywhere near the jewelry case. He was looking at me like “I want to make sure you see that I am putting these out right now!” I take them and only have a few seconds to look and decide to get three of the bags at $15 each. 

I also find a car safety kit with about anything you could need in it for $35 and gave gratitude because I wasn’t feeling all that great about the kit, I made Princess Four a few weeks back when we had he car worked on over spring break. It was cracked and water had frozen and leaked onto everything and I hurried to make her a new kit but it was a mix of odd things. This will be a nice birthday gift for her
I then head to the checkout, and there is a penny on the floor right there. I pick it up and take a picture of it. I am checking out and my total was $111, and I started laughing. I feel like God is getting my attention. I get home just in time to grab a few items for the Church Women's Group  birthday party. 

They made a game where each person puts three items in a bag that represent themselves and then they pulled the items out of a bag and you had to guess whose bag it was. I enjoyed learning three things about each women In my bag I took a gratitude frame, a t-shirt saying, “you can’t scare me, I have daughters.” And a puzzle with a little globe for traveling and a picture of my family. I shared how I make t-shirt life quilts for each person and we like to do puzzles and games.

 I was getting ready to make a videos later that night and notice that the “Killer Bunnies” game I bought today for one of the girls for Easter has a note on the front saying, cards 111 – 162 included and laughed again noticing that. I made the video and shared lots of this stuff in there and also how I made a new Facebook page called, "The Secret Is Gratitude" where I hope people will be able to focus on things that they are grateful for and we can enjoy reading about each others blessings. 

My hope is that people will start to focus on the positive things in life and that we can enjoy sharing the things we are blessed with! I am also on Instagram and twitter at same name. I am hoping that at some point things will be moving more quickly on the health situation and I can just make quick posts on there rather than having to make videos about each thing. 

I also ended up getting a package in the mail from Princess Five on her mission today. She sent a cool little box that is a puzzle to get open and inside the box were some Vanilla Tootsie Rolls which are a favorite of mine. It was sweet that she thought of me. She sent a nice "thank you" note for all the packages I have sent her, and considering she has only been out six months, she has gotten more than her sisters got their entire missions as they were all in Asia and she is in the U.S. it is much less expensive to send them to her. So, that was an end to a good day.

Have a Blessed Day!

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