
Friday, February 8, 2019

Working on the New Parasite Web Site - Thanks For Being Patient

I have been having a hard time getting back to making the parasite webpage that I am working on. Since I have been working on that all day, I am going to post a jewelry sorting video today.  

I am struggling to find all the videos and post that go together with the symptoms I am putting on the new web page. I talk about so many different symptoms on so many different videos, that I am not sure where to put them. I want to have some pictures and a video for each symptom, but it is hard finding all the different symptoms on the many posts I have about the parasite and trying to pull in all the medical information and I haven't even started on the testing or treatments we have done and tried. 

Currently, I am working on "symptoms" and connecting the pictures along with the videos with the symptoms I am listing, and it is just taking LOTS of time. I thought I would be finished with it by now. I have been working for hours and haven't even finished a page today.

I really want to get this done so people can have a page to find all the information and Medical personnel can find a page with everything on it. I think it will make more sense to people in general once it is in one spot. I know it has been frustrating to many having to search thousands of blog posts for the symptoms and I have over 700 videos on my youtube channel so hopefully this will make it functional for everyone. 

Thanks for your prayers and patience as I work on this. Have a Blessed Day! 


  1. I would like to say thank you for your bravery. Sharing your symptoms and the way you find relief from them gives me hope that I am on the right track. I also come from a medical background, I have been through nursing school but decided I loved pharmacy more and decided to carry on with my career as a technician at our local hospital. I was preparing to run my own department when I fell ill. For several months I was suspicious of a parasite infection but of course all of my sputum and stool samples came back negative. I was stereotyped into this being anxiety even though I have never had history of it and was always a very high functioning social person who always worked. I am too sick to work and have seen 9 different doctors in different fields including infectious diseases and every one has given up. I have every symptom you speak about.Every single one. I have had recurring enterbacter infection on my skin and head, but there is so little testing availability on any parasite, let alone this one, that all of my western medicine providers threw in the towel. Recently, I have been receiving lymphatic massage treatments that has been very helpful to drain and keep the inflammatory auto immune response down to a dull Roar. At one point I was unrecognizable as I had about 3 liters of fluid on my head. I'm also worried about my son and my husband who both have symptoms but are still very skeptical of parasites because of the doctors thinking this just can't be what it is. I also believe it comes from cats. A year-and-a-half ago we bought our new home and there are many stray cats and the previous owners had cats and my problems started around that time. Also since last May I have been in three homes including my own that after exposure to me three cats have died. Two of them the vet called it an autoimmune disease that attacks all the red blood cells and one of them was just said to be possible parasite. I would love to have a proper diagnosis but I've lost my faith in finding one so I will continue to treat myself.Before I ever found your website my treatment protocol paralleled yours including the peroxide as a diagnostic tool. It is a very lonely existence to have this. I have 4 dogs, I have always been an extremely clean person, but I'm fully aware that does not matter as the parasite is zoonotic. I worm them and treat their skin, I care for them the way I care for myself within range of our safety. I've heard the word crazy a lot the last year myself LOL. It might sound crazy to others but not to someone Afflicted with something identical. Although I'm very sorry that you are also fighting this horrible thing,however its really nice to hear that I'm not completely alone on this Earth. Also, I wanted to ask you about another symptom that I haven't heard you talk about that I have found on myself. It happens a lot with any type of roundworm infection, but I have not heard you mention it. Along with the waxy film I have also noticed upon the application of coconut oil and immediately after a shower I can rub the coconut oil up and down my arms and legs for a couple minutes stimulate my pores to really come open and suddenly have tons and tons of hair come off my arms and legs as well as my face as I have had and still have horrible lesions on my face have lost about an inch and a half of my hairline around my face. What grows back are the gray coily different textured hairs. I also have had tons of encounters with the weird I called them cat hair looking things maybe worms that come out of your body as well as my animals body and move it is pretty much a freaking nightmare. I'm not able to talk to my family about this very much as it does upset them and they just got to the point where they realize that I am not insane LOL, my husband just doesn't understand why they can't prove I have parasites or even come up with any diagnosis at all. Anyway I guess that was my only question is wondering if you have had any sort of skin thickening? Thank you very much for sharing.

    1. I am so sorry to hear your story. I get people writing me almost daily with the same type of thing. The hardest to hear are the ones where they want to take their children thinking they are crazy. I am grateful I am past anything like that and give gratitude daily that at least I KNOW what is causing my problems and know it was only through God's hand that I was able to get diagnosed after four different Dr.'s and testing after testing. I am grateful my final Dr. was willing to continue to send in specimens.

      I am working on the new website this past few weeks and realized that I hadn't ever posted on the "hair loss and thinning" thing, but am including that as a symptom on the page.

      I haven't noticed any skin thickening but that isn't to say it doesn't. I have not rubbed and rubbed coconut oil all over my skin so I can't say that I have had that problem. I believe this is partly because I peroxide my hair every three to four weeks and I think this kills them off in the hair or drives them out of the hair pours. '

      I also use Lugols iodine directly on the skin lesion areas and then put Diatomacious earth on the area and also in my hair, so when they come out at night, they get cut up. It does make the hair "white" but seems to keep them down if I do this, and put DE on my pillows and sheets at night as well.

      I do have the gray, wire type hair at the hairline,s but the peroxide runs them off so it doesn't over take the head.

      I TOTALLY understand your exhaustion and swelling. If I stay away from gluten and carbs, my swelling is less and I also do better when I add liquid minerals from "marine minerals" into my drinks, especially water as the minerals draw the fluid into the cells. I found that if I drank filtered water, treated water, filtered ice, or bottled waters, I would swell as there was no minerals in the water and my body couldn't absorb it without the minerals. It really helps to keep the swelling down.

      I believe that when you shower, the parasites come to the surface and then when you put oil on after the shower, the parasites start to suffocate and probably push out of the pores to escape the oil, thus causing the situation you are describing. One woman was rubbing peanut butter all over her body. Sad she doesn't realize she can use any type of oil.

      I do, and have used, oils on the skin but I don't rub them in hard and don't use them over larger areas regularly. I wonder what would happen if you rubbed the oil on for a few minutes before the shower? Maybe it would keep them safe like the biofilm?

      One woman said she sprays herself in the shower with vinegar and I found that bathing in ground citrus peel helps me get the biofilm off.

      I don't know that I have answered your question all the way, but I want YOU to know, that I appreciate you sharing your gratitude, and sharing your story as the more that do, the more science will have to admit, at some point, that this is real.

      I am glad we can be "crazy" together and I hope you have a blessed and parasite free day!

  2. I have tried soaking my hands in vinegar and it does work, but its tremendously painful so I would only use it as a diagnostic tool as well. I didn't run hard per say, at first I was using coconut oil to wick out moisture when I discovered it also drew out little brown and black "dots" all over my body. I didn't start out this bad, I believe I became hyperinfected after being given a steroid injection and then being on a 3 week long taper of prednisone. My doctor also gave me praziquantel, I never got past the first dose as I lost eyesight in my left eye for 3 days. I have had 3 cat scans and 2 MRI tests. The latest came up normal except for this "squiggly vein" found underneath my occipital bone that was explained away as a birth defect that must have always been never showed up on the other 4 scans I've had. Amazing how quickly these symptoms can be explained away. I have also gained 30 pounds within a month, my WBC count is over twice the count it should be and my T cells are high, which is the opposite of HIV. Went to a hematologist and he said it's not lymphoma, likely it could be a parasite but as I said my provider gave up. She actually just apologized and said sorry I can't figure it out. So I am alone trying to stop this hyper infection. I also accidentally found they don't like rosemary and use that and many other essential oils. I have also used ivermectin and fenbendazole (separately) to knock the numbers down and changed my diet. 15 years in pharmacy so I did my research and properly dosed myself, I don't recommend that for everyone. Maybe someday I will come up with the perfect recipe. I also use DT topically and internally. Thinking about getting some food grade hydrogen peroxide.

    1. I wrote a long reply and my internet went out right then and it didn't post. I am so sorry to hear about how things have gone for you. I wish they would spend more time on parasites in medical and nursing school but it is what it is.
      It would be good if you could somehow find worms to be diagnosed. It would be hard now with all the medication you have taken as they probably aren't in the gut due to the meds.
      I would suggest that you be careful if using the food grade peroxide as it kills off all flora and not just parasites. I have tried taking it many times and it always kills off the normal gut flora and I end up with a sore stomach and yeast infections.

      I read that steroids make things worse with strongyloides and since this parasite is so similar, you may want to stay away from that. Try to get diagnosed as the more people that get diagnosed, the more they will look at it.

      I pray I can figure out a cure soon as I don't know how long a body can take hyper infections. Keep up your spirits if you can.
      Have a BLESSED and parasite free day!

    2. Meat. Cooked meat, raw is best tho, any meat. Make sure its warm. Rub the meat on your skin where you feel them..
      The callus on my hands and feet. I scrubbed these with sos pad. Its like i have pockets (callus) that bust open and smell horrible. And have 20 or so small black whatevers.

    3. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. People seriously have no idea what a nightmare this thing is! I'll say a prayer for you. I always feel so helpless when I hear of all the people suffering with this parasite. It is so isolating and horrifying. I pray we find a cure soon!
      Have a blessed day and stay safe!

  3. Omg I just hit the wrong button. It was long and I haven't the strength to do over. I'm covered. Been infected 9 years and none will help me I've been called crazy and 2 weeks ago during the largest worm migration my new doctor called me delusional. To prove my delusion was real I was able to get a stool test. I know not gonna show this but it was all she offered. Not trusting her I got my own results from the lab and I read "negative for giardia antigen" never trust peopl/so-called doctors that call you delusional. So today when I finally go to sleep at 3am, she gets to try and validate my delusions and I'm gonna get upset, lose my family physician to inform her of medical degree and how dare she insult me with that test. It's a vet tech degree which makes me more capable of knowing a parasite from a delusion than I guess a PHd. I think people have constantly broken me down because they see bi-polar on my medical records and they just figure im crazy and watch to much TV. I even brought her, sorry, dry samples..Haha. but I appreciate the video because I have seen those and want sure if it was food so it absolutely helped my confidence in this matter. Due to my lack of support from absolutely everyone including my family, who says I'm also crazy how can I get help? You sent you sent in your samples? To where? Did you need a orders from a wonderful understanding doctor? I got a sample on my phone and typing finger right now and I can get the other sample with a little weird I can clean litter box pick up dog poo but touching my own is gag city. You dont understand they are wrapped around my fingers under my nail and cuticles, they comes out of my body everywhere and I mean everywhere. They hurt on the inside and out and I barely feel like I'm living, I can hardly even work. I have an absolutely incredible video of my hand after I rubbed horse dewormer on like lotion and put my hands in nitrile gloves for 20 minutes. I promise it's not dangerous but you would be amazed at the dozens that you see in just my hand come out paralyzed by dewormer or almost paralyzed moving around would love to show you and be fine with you posting to just help one person the way you helped me. Please tell me what to do to get help, I'm losing hope.

    1. Dear Jenny, I am SO sorry to hear about your situation. I can't tell you how many times I have heard your story coming from other people as almost everyone has the same story. I was also called "delusional" by a parasite specialist but do have a wonderful Dr. who believed me and helped me send in sample after sample until they were able to diagnose it.

      If you can get live worms out, put them in a baggie or clean glass jar with contact solution in it as when I sent it in dry, in alcohol, stool samples etc, they never found them. I had four inch live worms in the stool sample but they just take a small section and spin it in solution looking for eggs etc.
      If you get worms out, send them in the saline solution and then maybe send in a little note saying that if they can't find the parasite on the human database, perhaps they could look at the "horsehair nematomorpha" parasite that is found in insects as you have all the same symptoms as someone who was diagnosed with this.

      If they can't figure out what it is, hopefully having the note will give them a place to look.
      Hopefully this will be of some help to you. I haven't found a cure, but would love to see your video. You can write me on my blog email and send me a link to an uploaded video on youtube or someplace. I don't know if it is a long video if you can send it directly to my email but even if you can send a link. I will share pictures and the link if we can figure it out and it is clear. My emails is:
      I'll say a prayer for you and your family as this is a nightmare for everyone. My kids don't even like talking about it. It does make people think you are crazy even if you do have a diagnosis. People are afraid of what they can't see and don't understand.
      Have a Blessed Day!

  4. I need to email you some pictures to ask your advice but I cannot find your email address.

  5. I need to email you some pictures of what I think are parasites on my body and my sons body. I am desperate for help, but the doctors are useless. It’s so frustrating. I’ve been looking all over your YouTube page and cannot find your email address. Please respond with your email so I can write you. Thanks.

    1. Hello, you can write or send me emails to: I look forward to hearing from you. Have a blessed day!
