
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Princess Five is Still Alive - Freezing Temperatures

Hey folks! This has been a wild first transfer in the field! Here are some fun things I've learned thus far.
1. People like to chill in there houses in the dark, so never assume someone isn't home.
2. The doorbells here are iffy, so if you ring one, you need to fully commit you need to press it long and hard.
3. Hispanics will rarely let you leave their house without first giving you some form of juice, water, or snack.
4. Like number 3, Hispanics like to feed you meals, often without telling you first. Three times this week alone, we've eaten dinner, then gone to an appointment, and been fed an entire other meal. I feel much like a Hobbit, always eating second dinners😅
5. The spirit can only speak through you if you open your mouth.
6. I've been reminded of how incredibly blessed I've been to have the gospel in my life
7. Just because you speak English, doesn't mean you know how to teach someone how to speak English
8. I've learned how to parallel park... kinda🙃
9. Always wear 2+ coats, because the wind bites.
10." I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

I have come to know and love the people of Paterson, there are people from ALL over the world on the street the other day alone we saw people from the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Albania, Jamaica, India, and other places in the middle east. It's crazy! 

We went and visited this lady who has met with the missionaries before, and she didn't want to let us in because of her dog, but as missionaries, we aren't going to let that scare us, so we walk in, and this big dog jumps up on both of us, the lady held him back so it wasn't bad but still a little scary. She gave us some traditional Peruvian dessert which was really good but interesting. It was like warm gelatin with pineapple and apple in it. We invited her to church and she came! She came a little late, and looked a little uncomfortable, but we hope she will come again. She's going to Peru at the end of this month, and she won't be back until June, so we hope we don't lose contact with her.
It was really, really cold this week, so no one wanted to open their doors. Like you'd get frost bite in 20 minutes cold. We couldn't stay out long, It was fun though.
Love you all! Stay warm! Say your prayers! Read your scriptures! And all that good stuff.

cuídense mucho
Hermana Princess Five

•There is a big waterfall near our house, called "The Great Falls of Paterson" I believe, and we haven't gone to visit them but we were walking by this view and decided to stop for a picture. The mist from the falls freezes so everything in front of it is white, it's really beautiful. 
• Some yummy Ecuadorian food we were fed after already eating dinner. It was SO good but we both felt sick after from eating too much

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