
Monday, December 3, 2018

Missionary Monday Week Three - Thanksgiving Dinner For Princess Five

An Elder was praying this week and he was trying to bless the food but instead of saying "Please bless the food" he said "please food". It was really funny.  Thanksgiving was AMAZING! 

We had a whole Thanksgiving feast for lunch,(minus stuffing) But it was so so so good! They had pumpkin pie and wassail and real mashed potatoes, fue muy bien. Then for dinner we had corn dogs. After that, we had a devotional from the Provo MTC with Elder Uchtdorf and his wife. I loved it so much. One of them talked about how the pioneers would always say all is well even though they were going though a hard time which really helped me through this week. 

I auditioned for the light the world choir as well as the branch presidents choir and made both, they didn't have that many hermanas audition so an hermana from my district and I stayed for an extra half an hour switching between alto and soprano It's really fun, I miss singing in choirs. Not listening to music all the time is the hardest thing for me here.
Cannons go off at random all through out the day and night here. A teacher told us that it means someone has died, or they are celebrating the life of a saint. I don't know how true that is but it kind of feels like I'm in the hunger games sometimes... JK not really but it's really funny I'm even a part of district 10 haha.

We are now the oldest district in our zone, and time is going by way to fast for my liking. The day after thanksgiving they started putting up Christmas decorations. the Mission presidents wife said that they normally plant 8000 poinsettias but this year they decided to only plant 2000. Speaking of Christmas, light the world starts on December 1st with a day of service, but since I'm in the CCM and won't have a lot of serving opportunities, you should all do some extra service for me.

My companion and I have been teaching our teachers fake lessons and they are completely in Spanish. For the most part we do pretty well in our broken Spanish, but this week our lesson, in our opinion went terribly because we didn't have the right words and every sentence we did piece together took a full minute to say. After our teacher told us that he always loves lessons with us because he can tell that we genuinely care and try to listen to him and that he can always feel the spirit. So that was really uplifting. I was blessed with literally the best teachers in the whole CCM. My testimony of the Savior really grew this week. I was sitting in class at one point and out in the hall there was a district singing a Christmas hymn, and I started tearing up a little as I thought about I blessed I was for my Savior, and how blessed I am to be at the place where I am right now. 

Sorry that the CCM is not that eventful, it's pretty much the same thing every day. I Love all of your emails and pictures so much! Thank you!
Le Amo Mucho!!!!
Hermana Princess Five
My companion and I

My Thanksgiving meal

Also we wrote all the elders in our district little notes, and bought them gifts for thanks giving

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