
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Family Tradition - Christmas Sing-a-long for Family and Friends

 I get an invitation every year from my Aunts family for a "Christmas Sing-a-long" in the month of December. 

I don't live near their family so I appreciate the invitation but I am usually so busy in December that I don't have time to drive the long distance for a night of singing even though I love to sing. 

I hadn't planned on attending the singing tradition this year either but had been in the area for a family party for my family and a cousin who I don't see often informed me she was moving to Thailand and would be at the other cousins home for the "night of singing" and asked if I would be around as she knew she wouldn't see me for the next few years. 

I made an effort to stay in the area for an extended night so that I could see this cousin that was moving. I was at a dinner party with Princess Two and arrived a bit late for the night but arrived just as they were finishing up the "Halleluiah Chorus" from the Messiah. I LOVE singing in the Messiah but don't usually get the opportunity with my schedule so I was happy to sing the last few lines with them as I video taped as well. 

I am sharing the video and this post as I thought it was a wonderful tradition to have a Carol Sing along. As you can see by the video, they have children up to the elderly and everyone had a good time and brought treats for us to enjoy as well. 

I didn't do much singing due to arriving late and talking with my cousins but I enjoyed hearing others sing while I visited with those I love. It was a nice evening and I was able to get home safely after the party for which I was grateful as I slid all over on my way up the day before. 

Just wanted to share this fun tradition. You could easily print out some carols and  do a "sing-a-long" without a piano even. I think it is fun just to get together and sing so it is a wonderful opportunity. I sing in our church choir but we have specific music so we don't always sing the traditional songs. I feel like there are less and less programs where the children learn the old carols so this would also be good for that. 

Have a Blessed and Music filled Day! 

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