
Friday, November 9, 2018

Not So Healthy Snacking - Bugs in My Wilson Peppers

I was craving some healthy snacks and carrots always smell moldy to me anymore from our local stores. I splurged buying a bag of mini sweet peppers for snacks and I got home and immediately started snacking on them.

I ate about 1/4 of the bag and put them away until later when I wanted a snack. I started eating some later and a few were super bitter and not very "sweet" as the bag said and it was very unenjoyable.

I then took a bite out of one and saw something black in it. I usually just bite the entire thing off at the stem and don't look at it but I guess the one I was eating was a bit big for me to do that. 

When I found the first bug, I just threw the entire thing into the sink and took out another one. I was a bit leery at this point and bit the bottom off the next one and it was full of bugs! 

I was so grossed out by the entire thing. From that point on, I would only eat them if I broke them open and made sure there weren't bugs in them. 

It was gross that I found another one full of bugs and I think the red ones were fine but the orange and yellow ones were all full of bugs. I am horrified that I ate them with the bugs in them. So disgusting. 

I would suggest that before you ever eat mini sweet peppers ever, that you break them open and check for bugs. It makes me wonder how many bugs I have eaten in the past! 

I for sure will be opening all peppers in the future.

Have a Blessed and bug free day!


  1. Same thing happened to us just now, same brand, same looking bugs! did you call the company? Worried because our 8 year old son discovered this and hoping he doesnt get sick...

    1. I didn't call the company. I should have and obviously have proof but I have been so busy that I didn't and moved on. I didn't get sick but the peppers tasted bitter. I doubt that it will cause any health problems.
      I am guessing the company knows about it as it probably happens lots. Since it doesn't make you sick, they will probably just offer you cash rebate or a coupon for free peppers.

      If you do contact them, let us know what they do for you. They may say just to take them back to the store and get you money back, then they don't have to deal with you at all.

      Have a Blessed and bug free day!
