
Monday, November 26, 2018

My Cousin Is Moving To Thailand

I went to a family party which I want to share about on another day due to the late hour. But, I was in a different city for that party and I got a text from my cousin who has been touring Europe with her two girls for the past six months or so. 

She told me that she is moving to Thailand with her two daughters for at least the next few years and isn't sure what she will be doing after that. She mentioned that this is her last week in the U.S. and she would love to visit with me if I had the time. 

I had to travel through that town on my way home so tonight before I drove home, I stopped at another cousins home and visited with her. I asked my cousin and her daughter about what made her decide to leave and take her daughters to a completely different culture and country where they know NO one pulling them out of school and leaving all family behind.... 

I have to say that I admire the move and wish I had the courage to do something like that. I guess things are easier that way with two children but I still don't know that I would have the courage or faith to just sell everything and move.

She sold her home and took her girls to Europe where they traveled at will through most eastern Europe countries. Only one of her daughters was with her tonight, but when I spoke to her, she said that just going and trusting God that things will be "OK" and that they would be led to different countries and places helped her to learn to trust that life is good and she could go anywhere. 

She said that she now has the travel bug and doesn't ever want to stop. She said they spent a month in Ukraine as it was so cheap and that is why they ended up in Thailand as it is also less expensive to live there and so she is excited to go and attend school. She will graduate in Thailand and her sister has two more years there. 

I am going to miss her and I know her sisters will also miss her but what an opportunity she is giving her girls. She actually hasn't even gotten a job yet but has faith that Thailand is where they are supposed to end up and feels that her girls are doing better traveling than they were doing at home and they have become closer and happier so she also met with the congregation in our faith in Thailand and they have given her a service "calling" so she feels that she will be able to do more there and is needed in Thailand at this time. 

I admire her faith and can see that her daughters are flourishing with the choices she has made and hope that they will be blessed for their service. I look forward to hearing about their adventures. 

It is wonderful to see where my cousins are going and where their children are in life. I also think I may have to go and visit my cousin when she gets settled as two of my girls have already visited Thailand and LOVED it. That would be a FUN trip! 

Have an adventurous and blessed day!  

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