
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Gather Together In Gratitude - Thanksgiving Day

Such a crazy day. Migraine, oil change, Thanksgiving meal shopping, printing 8 x 10 for family party, paid two bills, picked up a free turkey, two loads of laundry, cleaning, dropping off a gift, dropping of moving boxes to someone, three girls arriving, cooking dinner, rearranging closet, visiting with one of the girls about a boy, apologizing to one of the girls for past situations, pulling out turkey to thaw for the big day tomorrow, write in journal, blog, bed...… 

I fought all day to keep it together with a headache and had so much to get done. I can tell you that it is now after 3 a.m. and I got it all done! I hope I can wake without a headache and enjoy the big day with my girls. 

I started to blog and accidently deleted all the pictures for my post today and then went to take them again and the battery in my camera died so I figured I would just post a pictures of this sign I have in my home and tell you all that I hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving day and that your day can be filled with GRATITUDE for all the many blessings that you are abundantly given from our Father in Heaven! 

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day! 

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