
Friday, October 12, 2018

The Mornin' Sun is Shinin' Like a Red Rubber Ball

I was up early today and all morning a song lyric kept running through my mind. The chanty / choppy section of "Red Rubber Ball" kept playing and at first I didn't think about it as my mind was on other thing but it kept going on and then Princess Five came into the room and I told her the song that was going on in my head. She likes the song and has it on one of her playlists. 

It wasn't until I was telling her, mid sentence, that the song was going on in my head that I realized what the words are saying at that part in the song. "And I think its gonna be alright, yeah, the worst is over now," it just kept going through my head and I was telling her this and thought that maybe my mother is trying to tell me that the worst is over and that it will be alright! I have never had this song run through my mind before. Usually, I hear "the middle" and have posted about that a few times before. The thing I like about this song is that it is saying "the worst is over" when the other is positive but it felt like I was in the middle.

I forgot about it after that moment and I got on with my busy day. I wanted to work on the quilt but other things crept up and I never did get to sewing on the quilt. I have been trying to declutter some in the house as well as update a few things. It is a never ending thing when I find something I like, I replace it for something else. I was hanging something and was teasing Princess Five a bit and the song started going through my head again. I finished hanging the thing up, head to the kitchen to get my phone so I can look up the lyrics.

I couldn't believe that when I looked up the words, it was 11:11. Both sign that things will get better. If I knew how to get a screenshot on my phone, you would have the lyrics with 11:11 but I kept trying to figure it out as I have never used that feature on my phone and ended up having to go find my camera and it wasn't 11:11 by the time I got my camera and took a pictures but it was so cool to have the 1111 while I was reading the lyrics to the song as I believe someone is trying to tell me things will be "OK".  

Early this afternoon, someone shared a video with me and it was "My Life" situation and it really was all true in my case except rather than taking months to show up, it was about a week..... I remember asking for a back rub about a week after we were married and I was told. "I don't need to do that now, I already got you." Divorce wasn't an option for me and I would never leave. Even when it was bad, I stayed because I made a commitment and would see that promise through. Since my situation was so difficult and lengthy, I told my girls that "nothing is forever when abuse is concerned as God wouldn't want you to stay with someone who would hurt you on purpose in any way."

I decided when I saw the video that I was going to share it with my girls so hopefully they can see the signs better than I did and so far, Princess One picked a GEM of a husband and father and I can only pray that my other girls are so blessed to find a good man to marry! I share the information with the girls but I want to post it so that I can refer to it if needs be for other women who may need a gentle nudge or reminder. 

The video is by a man called Derrick Jaxn and I haven't watched other things he has posted, but for the most part, his video hit the nail on the head in my world..... I think all women should have to watch this BEFORE dating anyone so they can be aware of the signs... I know the signs were there, but I thought some of it was "sweet" before I knew the depth of it. 

Paul Simon is writer of  the song "Red Rubber Ball". He is so talented!  Here are the lyrics to the wonderful "Red Rubber Ball" song that has lifted me up all day and I pray that "the worst is over" in my world and situation, and that I can focus on the warmth of the Sun / Son instead!  

They had "The Cyrkle" record it first and that recording is probably the one that most of your would recognize so I will link to both songs here so that you can listen to the one you know. 

I did listen to the Simon and Garfunkel one as a teen on one of their live concerts in Central Park tapes I have heard the other version but hadn't actually known the name of the group that recorded it first so looking it up was informational to me.  

Red Rubber Ball

I should have known you'd bid me farewell
There's a lesson to be learned from this and I learned it very well
Now I know you're not the only starfish in the sea
If I never hear your name again, it's all the same to me
And I think it's gonna be all right
Yeah, the worst is over now
The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball
You never care for secrets I confide
For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give
And I think it's gonna be all right
Yeah, the worst is over now
The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball
The story's in the past with nothin' to recall
I've got my life to live and I don't need you at all
The roller-coaster ride we took is nearly at an end
I bought my ticket with my tears, that's all I'm gonna spend
And I think it's gonna be all right
Yeah, the worst is over now
The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball
Oh, oh, oh, I think it's gonna be all right
Yeah, the worst is over now
The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball
Here is a link to my first 111 post and why it is important to me. If you look at all my "111" posts, you will see how I always see that number, especially when crazy things are going on in my life... My health has taken a weird turn and I am stressed about it so I am grateful for the song and the 111 today..... 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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