
Friday, October 5, 2018

Finding the Artist Or His Family

I was at a second hand store a few months back and found this piece of art framed for $4. I have found other pieces of art there many times and not purchased it but for some reason, I felt like I should buy this and try to find someone related to the artist. 

It may be that I have a painting of my mother out there that I want to find and hope at some point someone will try and find me offering it to me, or perhaps it is the note on the back saying it is "the old smith house" and an address and city along with the artists name and date of 1954 on it. 

I tried finding any other art from the artist and failed to find anything so don't know that the person was an artist but it could have been something he did for a class or something but either way, I searched online and found a few people with a similar name and wrote them asking if their dad or grandfather lived in that city or was an artist as I would love to find this print a home. I think it is kinda "spooky" and fun for Halloween coming up but really don't want to keep it. I figured for the $4 I paid for it, it was a gamble that I would be able to find someone who would be related to the artist. 

If not, I can say I tried and donate it back to the second hand shop and maybe someone will like it as art for their home but it isn't something I would hang up in my house. 

Let me know if it looks familiar to you! Have a Blessed Day! 

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