
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Teak Oil Will Draw In The Bugs - Don't Oil You Items Near Dusk or Near The Water

Princess Five and I have been working on finishing up the "waxing" of the trailer using Teak oil. I shared that I thought we would finish up today. 

Imagine my surprise when I walked out to finish and everywhere we worked last night was covered with bugs! While I was using the teak oil today, Two bees came sniffing around my rag as they were drawn to the teak oil. 

I have used this so many times on so many items that I was a bit shocked about how many flies and gnats were stuck to the side and door of my trailer. I have not seen that before and I have used up about four cans of teak oil on all sorts of items so I didn't understand why there were bugs only this time. 

I have worked close to dark every night this past week and have not had a problem until last night and today. I am wondering if the teak oil smell is more concentrated at the bottom of the can. The can we are using has been used on the picture window, the grill, the swamp cooler, the kitchen and bathroom cabinets and a few other items over the past year or so. It is nearly empty and I didn't want to purchase a new can so I have just been finishing up this one. 

I think the concentration of sediment is in the bottom of the can and now we are getting to that part of the can and it attracted the bugs. I laughed so hard when I went out to finish up the trailer. I had to go get my camera and take a few pictures and a video of all the bugs on the side of the trailer. I of course couldn't leave them there, so I started wiping them off but wanted a picture before I did so I could show Princess Five who was at work. 

I am happy to share for the most part, the bugs and goo came off the trailer but the moth wing marks in the bottom picture didn't come off. I guess it liked the smell but not the stick and marked up the trailer a bit. 

We finished oiling the front portion and I used it on the painted bumper and tongue / stabilizer hitch as well and the trailer looks fairly good and I am SO excited that the door closes well now. Considering how many times I have repaired it, I am happy it is closing and locking even thought it isn't perfect. 

It feels good to get something off the list which is SUPER long but I have to take pleasure in the small things. We are going to put it in storage tomorrow and it will be nice to have it off the street and then I can get working on pruning all the trees before winter! It would be nice to have them all done before Princess Five's farewell. It is coming up fast...… 

Have a Blessed and Bug Free Day! 

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