
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Having Princess Five Home is VERY Distracting

Princess Five is home for the next few months and I am finding it very distracting. Since she is the baby, she hasn't had to help with younger siblings and didn't have lots of chores as there was only one child home, she didn't have to do lots of laundry, dishes, vacuuming etc. 

I just think youngest children have that curse / blessing of not having to work as hard as older children but in the end, it probably hurts their work ethic not having to work as hard or be as responsible as an older child that has to babysit and help out more in the home. 

I have kept fairly busy until this last week with family reunions, trips, packing, sending children places etc. I finally have a little bit of organization back with Princess Four off at College again and most of the shopping for Princess Five done, I have had a little time this week to relax. 

The problem in the relaxation part of life is that I have a HUGE list of things that need to be done. I bought pallet of bark to put in my back yard two months ago and it is just sitting waiting for me to get on it. My trailer door fell apart and is tied shut falling down so I can't put the trailer away until I pull the entire trailer door off and apart and rebuild it. I am going to have to deal with melted duct tape on the trailer as well so cleaning that off will be time consuming. I still have the recording studio in my basement as I have so much of my mothers stuff to review and record off of cd's, tapes, vhs, and dvd's so that will take some time. 

I started editing my mothers book two years ago this month and it still isn't finished as my computer broke, I had to get a new one and I didn't want to finish it with out all the pictures and recording done but at this point, I think just getting it off the list would be heaven..... 

On and on the list could go but when Princess Five is home, I want to spend time doing fun things rather than working. She doesn't want to help work and I feel guilty making her do all the stuff I don't want to do so I end up doing things with her instead of getting the things I need to get done off the list. 

Finally, after a week of getting nothing done and actually not feeling so great a few days in the week, I decided that if she wasn't going to help me, I was just going to get stuff off my list myself and she could choose to help or not but I needed to get working as once the weather changes, I can't finish what I need to get done in the yard. 

I started with picking and dehydrating applesShe did an entire dryer full the other day which was a big help but we have three apple trees so there is a load daily. I ended up working on a sprinkler in the yard and cleaning out some things from the house. I purchased some items I will need to fix the trailer door and pray that I can figure that out. I feel better about myself getting things off the list and I think Princess Five has taken note of my getting things done and started working on things she needed to finish as well as filling out a job application for the next two months. I hope she can get a job and earn some funds to help with her mission while she has these last two months before she leaves. 

I am hoping I continue to feel a bit better and get more off my list. I seem to have some really good days and then plummet into a few exhausted days but I ordered more iron pills today and know that those will help so in a few days, I hope to have a bit more energy. 

I think I have found a happy medium with Princess Five. We watch an episode of a fun show while we eat our meal and then finish the episode by playing a game and then work between meals and are enjoying some fun in-between work sessions. The best of both worlds! 

It has been a good solution for me and I am glad to be getting things off my "list." I finally got through all the jewelry bags and the piles off the table. Enjoy one of those videos as I didn't take any pictures of my working in the yard or doing apples. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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