
Monday, September 10, 2018

Figuring Out The Best Way to Take Minerals and Vitamins - Ground

When I was between 8-11, I lived in downtown in a major city. I think the water there was filtered as I bit my nails down for those years and tried over and over to stop biting them but wasn't able to do it. 

We moved to a suburb just before I turned 12. In the new area, we had a different water source. I only drank water growing up as I didn't like milk but would use it on cereal etc but when it came to drinking, it was always water. 

Within months of moving to the new area, I stopped biting my nails with no trial at all, I just didn't do it anymore. I know it was the water. I moved from that house to the East coast and my nails were fine there. I am sure that eating seafood, and food grown in good soil helped keep my nails strong. 

When I moved to the west, my nails started getting rivets and lines running both directions through my nails. I also had cracks in the corner of my fingers for years having to put Band-Aids and Vaseline in the corners of my fingers. 

Many years ago, I was told about liquid minerals and I started taking them as a few drops in my water. I found that the ridges in my nails in both directions disappeared and the cracks in my fingers left and never returned. 

I have used several different brands of liquid minerals over the years and am currently using one from "Marine Minerals" and I add it to every glass of water or bottled water. I find if I am traveling and drink only bottled filtered water, I can't absorb the filtered water and it causes me to swell so I have to add minerals to ever bottle. 

When I get in a stressed situation, I forget to put the minerals in my water or when I go out of town and have busy days, I forget as well so over the years, my fingernail will get ridges in them when I don't take it and you can tell exactly when I did or didn't take it as the dips in the nails would be when I didn't take it so when all the ridges in all the nails grow out, my nails will break off all at the same time as they are week when I don't take the minerals. 

When I was taking individual minerals last month, I guess taking more of one caused me to be low on others and caused a huge dip in my nails and also ridges going vertical as well. I had to stop taking individual minerals and went back to the liquid Marine Minerals that have a bunch of different minerals in them. 

You can clearly see the dip in my fingernails and ridges. I am looking for another mineral source that includes iodine in it. I am taking iodine and the liquid minerals. 

I am taking a multivitamin and recently have realized that many people can't swallow the larger pills or they cant break down the larger pills when they eat them and they go through the system undigested so putting the prenatal or multivitamin in a coffee grinder and making it into a powder, you can absorb it more easily. In knowing someone who owns porta-johns and he said that when they wash out the johns they end up having piles of undigested pills collected at the bottom of the johns as they are so tough that they aren't breaking down into the digestive track. 

In several videos, I share how this brand of iron works so well and is good deal compared to other iron sources. I share that I take unsulphered molasses in small quantities for iron but I have used this brand for many years and I have so much more energy when I take it. I talked to the owner and he said it was "ok" to give his information out. He doesn't sell to individuals but can find you a place near you to buy them or if you are willing to purchase in bulk, he will sell in quantities of six and I find that great as I use them daily. The name of the company is "Spinal Touch Formulas" and the number is 1-801-906-0287. 

Have a Blessed and energetic Day! 

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