
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Things I wanted To Blog But Didn't - Food Bank Bananas, Corn and Some Jewelry Sort

My life has been so crazy the past few months. I just can't even share how many things that have happened that I have wanted to blog about and just haven't due to so much going on. I think that just the past two weeks, I have stuff I wanted to blog about and haven't been able to do it. I have been so busy that I haven't even taken pictures of many of the things I wanted to post about.  

In the past two weeks, the food bank has started calling me again. I haven't gotten calls for at least six months or more. I have been so tired that I told them I just couldn't distribute things. I had started to feel better recently and had the thought that it would be nice if the food bank started calling me again as I am out of all the frozen mushrooms, onions, mangos etc that I froze when they had overages. 

Not two days later, they call me saying they have boxes of bananas. I had wanted bananas as princess Five's favorite dried fruit is dried bananas with the edges curled in so she likes the slices from the ends. I thought it would be nice if I made all the bananas edges so instead of slicing them all down one direction, I sliced the edges off in four making the center of the banana a square. 

This way, I got four skin edged dried banana tubes and then I froze the center of the bananas for smoothies. It took me a little more time to do it that way but I wanted to be able to send princess with dried bananas that are her favorite. 

The next week they called and told me they had 4 cases of bananas and four of corn. I spent hours and hours cutting corn off the cobs and Princess Five shucked four banana boxes of corn on the cob so I could cut it off and freeze it. I didn't finish until about 4 a.m. and had been working for hours but we were headed out of town so it had to be done. 

I also drove around distributing bananas by the case if I could but some in bunches. I also froze a few zip gallons of bananas on cookie sheets to use for smoothies as well. 

All that is mixed in with Princess Four moving to college, a family day at the temple in another city along with family pictures. Finishing off sewing clothes for Princess Fives mission and starting to pack bags. Several Birthdays in there, and I am totally exhausted again. I am having some health issues that I will share another day most likely but for now, I am totally exhausted and I am just going to post a few more jewelry videos tonight as I didn't take pictures of the corn and bananas. My kitchen has stuff everywhere, I have had jewelry piles on my dining table for about a month as I can't seem to find the time to sit down and finish bagging it all. 

I have gotten some of the other areas of the house cleaner but am falling behind with the busy of it. I hope I can start feeling better. It seems like I just start getting better and then something else shows up... I will share about that later. 

Have a Blessed Day!  

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