
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Last Jewelry Post of the Week - Hoping Things Calm Down Next Week

We have been hauling in boxes and bins from each of the girls cars and then hauling sorted and complete boxes out to different cars to head to college with Princess Three who is transporting them for Princess Four! 

Princess Four asked why all of Princess Five's college stuff is in Banana Boxes verses the clear stackable totes that the other girls all took to college. I laughed and told her that each girl has taken 20 or more totes to store their stuff that they didn't take to college and to transport their stuff to college and I never get them back! 

Even when I give them stuff now in totes, I don't get them back! I have purchased well over $2000 in totes over the years as many years ago we had biting mites which at the time I thought were bed bugs. We put all our ownings in clear totes and put thyme oil and sprinkled ground thyme in them as it repels bed bugs. Come to find out, we didn't have them but I had already used the totes so each girl has taken some and stored things in others and then by the fourth and fifth, I had run out and purchased a large stack of the colored clear stackable totes for Princess Four to take to college and by the time Princess Five left, the price of totes had gone up by a large amount so I have been buying totes at second hand stores for $2 - $3 and scour them and she has all different types, colors, sizes of totes and banana boxes! 

Poor thing, sometimes being the youngest means you get what you get but she has really been good about things and is super easy going because of it so she has that blessing in her personality due to that sort of thing. 

I keep my eye out for good sales on totes as the ones I got for Princess Four were a Walmart cleanout so I got them for about $2.50 each. I haven't seen one of those again but if I do, Princess Five will get first option for sure! ;-) 

Enjoy this jewelry sorting video as we are still working on sorting and organizing and I hope we get it finished before next week so we can clean up and enjoy our time together doing fun things. We did stop and play a few games together on Sunday which was wonderful. I hope to do that much more in the next few weeks before Princess Four heads to college at the end of the month! 

Have a stress free and Blessed Day! 

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