
Monday, August 13, 2018

Horsehair Nematomorpha Update - Not Just The Left Leg - Red Hot Rash

I blogged just this week about how many in our family have had a rash on the left leg front and side. 

It was the night I blogged about that when I learned I was wrong about it only being on the left leg. I felt something burrowing in the front of my right leg but figured I was projecting it as I had just posted about the left leg being the one with all the rashes. 

I woke in the middle of the night with a horrible itching / burning feeling and was hoping I didn't bring home bed bugs from my trip to DC. I thought maybe I got a mosquito bite or a spider bite in the night. It was exactly like what happened with the front of my left leg all those months ago. 

You would think I would have figured it out... Nope. I washed all the bedding, put diatomaceous earth all over the bed and in the night I scratched away at the itchy spot. On the second day, it was between a dime and a quarter size and super hot and red and felt like burning and itching. Still, thought it was a mosquito infected bite or spider or bed bug or something. I woke again in the night with it super hot and painful and that was when I knew....

I started putting diatomaceous earth on it keeping it dry but it as so painful it woke me the next night and so I took an antihistamine and sprayed the spot with "Dermoplast" which is for bites and itching. 

I sprayed it on for a few minutes, then blotted excess off and put diatomaceous earth over it. I then cut off the toe and heel of a COTTON footie sock and pulled it up over the area to keep the site dry and from rubbing on the sheets etc and also to keep the powder in and on the site. 

It didn't seem to do much. I had tried all sorts of creams last time and those always made it worse keeping moisture in the site. I also tried all sorts of essential oils last time and hydrogen peroxide and anything that kept it wet or moist didn't help but made it worse. 

This time, I have put colloidal silver gel on the area and then dab it dry and put the DE over it. I then tried just the Lugols Iodine with the powder over it but in the past day, I have found that using the colloidal silver gel and lugols iodine on it directly and letting it dry for 2 minutes or so and then putting Diatomaceous Earth on it seems to give me a little relief from the burning and pain / itching for an hour or two. 

The silver gel is colloidal silver mixed with an aloe vera type gel so if  I couldn't find any to purchase, I could make my own using aloe and silver and see how that works.

I made a short update video trying to show the purple rash on my leg but the lighting in the house is always so yellow so I tried to show on the video but will just post pictures so hopefully you can see what it looks like. This is the exact same thing I had on the front of my left leg in this post.  

Knowing what I do now, it will be a quicker heal than the last one.... It is already doing better after three days but hopefully, I won't ever let it get to this point again. I felt it burrowing before the "bite" mark so next time I can just put iodine on it before it comes out.

I think it was so interesting that I post that video and not 24 hours later, I have it going on in my right leg. I believe God has a humor.... 

Have a Blessed and rash free day

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