
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Sick Day Number Two - So Tired

I went to bed at 10:30 posting last night and was asleep in minutes. Due to the hot weather, travel, stress, and not eating well, my feet swelled up so much I couldn't fit in my church shoes yesterday. I was up all night with a sore throat and using the bathroom but was glad that at least some of the fluid was leaving from my swollen feet. 

I slept until 3 p.m.ish which is 16 hours of sleep. I am STILL tired and struggled all day. I didn't get anything done, even something easy like unloading the dishes. I have laundry from everyone being home and lots of boxes from hauling stuff to the dinner etc. I ran a few errands but mostly, sat and watched funny youtube clips as I couldn't get myself motivated or have any energy to do anything today. It is about 10:30 and I am headed to bed as I can't seem to do much. 

I have to share this bit of information that is super personal but one of my daughters asked me about it today... I have been through menopause but every time I get around my girls, I start up again... I have been cramping for days now and as soon as they all left, I started again. This has been going on for years now. My daughter asked me if that was normal and I couldn't tell her if it was or not.... I think with my thyroid being so weak and not having iodine, what may have been normal for me is different than it would have been. I am wondering if anyone else has had this situation? 

Between the strep and hormones, I am feeling HORRIBLE! I pray I can feel better tomorrow as I have so much I need to get done! 

Have a Blessed and Healthy day! 

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