
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Safety at Night - Wasp Spray - Fire Extinguisher - Cranking Flashlight

I bought two new beds for a few of the girls rooms. I have been upgrading to full sized beds in all the girls rooms so that when they are all married, they will have a place to sleep. I now have three full sized beds in the girls rooms and have bought a frame for the next room but it has bunk beds in it currently and is storing all of Princess Fours stuff that she packed up before her mission. She left right to head to work for the summer so she hasn't had time to sort through all the stuff and try on clothes, sort what is now out of style after a few years etc. 

I am planning a yard sale and want to get rid of the old beds, night stands, and anything else that may not work now and really want to have the rooms guest ready for anyone that may visit. I have a dresser for each of the girls and really don't want much else in the rooms except a bench where they can put their bags. I have had so much stuff in all the rooms due to my mothers estate and all the girls living in student housing that I really am overwhelmed with the amount of stuff. I find myself wanting to buy stuff I like to fill the space, maybe in a way to "push" the girls out? I am not sure but it is weird. 

I love the girls and they are super about organizing and sorting it but with all I still have to do in the yard and on my mom's history etc. I just want some organized spaces and there aren't many in my life currently. I have so many areas I want to clean up but can't seem to get to them all but today I looked at my counter and I had a "to do" list on it and the only thing left was to call and thank my Uncle so I guess I am getting things done but not at the rate I would like to get them done! I did finish digging up and setting three more fence posts this week and the fence is finished at the moment as I have replaced every post in the past few years but two and those are anchored onto a shed so I think I am finished with that project! 

Anyway, lots of talk for what I wanted to actually share today..... A few years ago I read an article about firearms and how many times people can't get to them fast enough and it isn't something you can leave about with kids so they suggested using wasp and hornet spray if you have an intruder! It shoots almost 30 feet so you don't have to get near your attacker and it shoots a constant spray so if your aim is initially off, you just sweep it the direction of the attacker. If getting hit in the face with a pesticide doesn't send them running, I don't know what will. If they go to the ER, they are admitting they were breaking and entering so my guess is they won't be headed to any ER. 

I dated a fireman and he told me that I should have a fire extinguisher by my bed so I could get to my kids. I decided it couldn't hurt to have one by their beds and they are not that expensive, so I put one in the rooms furthest from the doors and in my room by my bed.  I literally have a can of wasp spray right next to my bed on the end table. I also have a gun near as well but to see the attacker in the night with sleep eyes, I think my odds are better with the wasp spray! 

The last thing I gave all the girls was a hand cranking flashlight with a charger cord as well. They each have one in their night stands. I told them all to take the wasp spray to college but can see that I still have one under her bed but I think she may have ended up with Princess Fours from College so there is an extra. I also give them bear pepper spray keychains when they head to college and tell them to have it in "on" position when walking across campus at night. Thank heavens they are in a small college town and they always call and talk to me or one of their sisters when they are walking alone at night just in case so we are always aware of our surroundings and taking precautions. They say that is one of the biggest deterrents from being attacked.  

They also know how to get out of several "holds" which I have shown them their entire lives... Having girls, I have tried to give them all the tools to be safe.... 

As I was pulling down her old bed which hasn't been moved in years, I saw those items and thought I would share them with you as they couldn't hurt anything having them at the ready. I did take the hornet repellant spray out of the room as the grandbabies sleep in there and I don't want them getting to it now that we have a higher bed in that room. I don't have people in that room much so I think we are ok not having it in there. 

You can see from the pictures that I have them where they can be reached easily while sleeping and also, I pulled back and allowed you to see the huge window she has in there as well. If she needed to break the window, either of these would be heavy enough for her to do that safely to get out. The window opens well so I doubt that would be needed but you never know.... 

I hope we never need any of those items but I do like being prepared for whatever may happen. The other good advice I have heard is to keep a pair of shoes by the bed in case of earth quake as people cut their feet running to get outside but I know I would probably just trip over them daily. ;-) 

Have a Blessed and Prepared Day! 

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