
Friday, June 15, 2018

Princess Four is HOME! She Got To Meet Her New Nephew

Sorry it has taken me a few days to get over the strep and feel like a person again. I am feeling better and am happy to announce that Princess Four is HOME!!!
We got to pick her up at the airport. Princess Ones family had a few baby issues and decided not to meet us at the airport but met us at Princess Two's house after for dinner. 

My dad, step-mom (name only as I love her like a mom), my brother, and the other girls all met at the airport and were able to welcome Princess Four home from Japan. She was SUPER tired having not slept for over 24 hours but she didn't want to miss a thing so she pushed through and decided she didn't want to nap as it would mess up her sleep schedule now that she is home. 

We gathered up her luggage and hauled it to the cars. We met her with a bag of all of her favorite treats. She was in a bit of a daze after arriving home with the culture shock of being back in the states as so much is different but it didn't take her long to get back into the swing of the U.S. She did take her shoes off before walking on carpet at her sisters which was cute.... 

We were able to head to my cousins Thai Restaurant and pick up "to go" food so we could enjoy eating with Princess One's family. 

She got hugs from the other kids and then got to hold Grand-Princes number 2 and visit with him for a minute in Japanese. I recorded it as she won't be using her Japanese much now that she is home. She sounds so cute speaking it I couldn't resist. 

We realized that she didn't have any summer clothes with her and we had a reunion the next morning so after we ate and visited, we ran to a store and bought her one pair of shorts, one pair of capris, and one pair of jeans as she had to wear skirts every day on her mission so at least she would have one of each for her first week of work. 

She was super tired and slept on a futon on the floor at her sisters but I don't know how well she slept as it is always hard when traveling and a new place and so many changes in her future. 

It was so much fun to see her and hug her. Her sister got a good video of the two of us crying at the airport... It was sweet. I love that my girl is home and safe..... I am blessed! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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