
Friday, June 29, 2018

Having a Yard Sale is A LOT of Work - eBay Leftovers and Some 111

I am having a yard sale. As you know if you have read my blog for over the past eight years, my life is never dull.
It was SUPER stressful having five girls in five different schools and then in drill team or cheer for almost 14 year straight or more along with dance teams and competitions when they were all an different teams and piano, and field trips and reading every week as class mom, and pta carnival chair and on and on. Then you throw in 15 years of continual court dates even a supreme court case in my divorce and you can begin to understand how busy my life is. 
I have had about 15 house floods. I took care of my mother through many hospitalizations, moving's, leukemia, living with me until she died, sorting her estate and I am tired just thinking about it. 
Then, for the past six years or so dealing with gaining weight and being so tired, not being able to figure out my health, then finding it was the parasite…. What I am getting to with all this…… I have been so busy and tired that my garage has become a trail walking nightmare. 
Before the divorce I sold on eBay making about $3000 average a month. In the divorce, even though I sold all the items in the account, he took it and I didn’t fight for it as I was so busy, I didn’t have time and I thought I could sell under a different name and build up my stats again. NOPE!!!! So, for the past 17 years, that ebay collectable stuff has been clogging up my garage in probably 50 boxes or more! I tried a few times to have yard sales but I am so busy and people don’t want to pay what things are worth at yard sales and it is hard to let something go for less than you paid knowing it could make 10 times what you paid for it!
I have tried several times to force myself to sell on ebay but I don’t have time to babysit the auctions and go to the post office, let alone write the descriptions etc. If I sold one thing and could hit copy and past on descriptions, it would be great, but my site was all vintage purses, hats, rare books, and collectables. I have a box or two of Garfield, raggity ann and andy, pooh, star wars, baseball cards, alf, smurfs, etc…. I would have a box for each and when I would find a collectable at the second hand stores or yard sales, I would put it in that box and when I had a grouping, I would sell them. I put music on the page, nice backgrounds etc.
With all I have going on, I have no desire to do that again. You can tell I still have plenty to do with my mom’s history, video transferring, audio copying, and so much going on with the girls, and now grandchildren, that I just want it OUT! It took me all day to dig all the boxes out of the back of the garage as the luggage, girls stored bins, food storage, my mothers estate boxes, and lawn / garden and car stuff has taken over the front of the garage! 
I haven’t even taken anything out of the boxes or put it on tables yet and it is 3 a.m. and I just finished getting everything out of the garage and house! It looks like an entire second hand store! I have been messaging the girls all day for two days sending pictures of things I am finding from when they were kids that I thought I would sell back in the day, but now that they are older, they are wanting a few of the items. But, I think for the most part, it was just collectables and I pray I sell it all and whatever I don’t sell, I will donate to charity aside from a few valuable things I know I can sell online in a nearby city etc.  

I have an amazing friend that came for many hours today and helped me dig out my long tables and lots of the boxes and hauling all the boxes from in the house out… It was so kind of her but my back is so sore…. I just took a break to eat something and write this as I needed to sit for a minute. 
It was super sweet when I pulled out one of the last boxes, I found this on the top of the box. I knew that someone was watching over me as I looked at the clock today at 1:11 and 11:11 and have seen it three times in the garage in the past few hours. I took pictures of the box and sent it to the girls. When I pulled the last box out, this album was on the top of it and I was excited as Princess Five is getting a Broadway show quilt I am making and we have been looking for a few Broadway / classic shows to put in frames on the wall and I thought Princess Five may want this one and I took it in to wash the dust off and take a picture for her and what was on the top corner! Yep 111. Then, I found a bag I was taking to my brother for recycling and it had the girls computer batteries in it and it had a 111 in the top number. Someone is watching over me for SURE!

The neighbors are all getting into the mood and one brought over this wood desk today and others are putting stuff out tomorrow. 
Say a little prayer for me that I can sell it all and move into a new place in my world where I can park my car in the garage again. Lol I haven’t been able to park in there since Princess fours wedding….. She now has three children! 😊
Have a Blessed Day! 

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