
Monday, May 14, 2018

Singing In Japanese and English - Mothers Day Fun

I had plans for Mothers Day to head out of town as one of my girls was asked to speak in her church. I was going to support her as Princess One was with her family. Princess Three is in Iceland on a trip with friends, and Princess Four is in Japan finishing up her mission there, I would have two girls for the holiday. 

Since one was supposed to speak, the other and I were going to go visit her and spend the weekend. About mid week, Princess Two told me that the church speaking plan had changed to a short, "What I love about my mom" 2 minute share. I told her that I didn't want to travel all that way for two minutes because I have SO much to get done on the yard and house and haven't been able to get it done. I wanted to finish it before Princess Four comes home in three weeks.

She decided to come home and help me with a project that has been going on for nearly a year now. Princess Two and Five came down and helped me put the garage frame back together that I took apart last Julyish. 

I have had so much going on and with it being cold, I had to stop working in the garage. Here is a post where I show that I was working on the garage and texturing it etc. It got cold and I couldn't get the frame put back up. I purchased all the supplies to put in the new wood but couldn't hold the almost 14 food facing piece up by myself to screw it in as well as the super heavy 1 1/2 by 10 foot  by 6 inch piece.

They wanted to pull some weeds etc but I told them I can do that, but I can't lift the two long and especially heavy piece and screw them in by myself. I am SO happy that they were able to help me to do that! 

It isn't primed or painted but at least the part I needed help with got finished! They were SO wonderful helping and Princess Five learned to score and snap dry wall, measure and cut wood, staple gun some things and use a drill! She was a bit hesitant at first but I encouraged her and as we finished up, she said, "This was kinda fun!" 

I bought four sushi rolls and some fresh berries and we had a feast as well as watching a movie and I got to give Princess Five a manicure! I loved sitting by the girls in church today and the best part came when we all got to video chat with Princess Four in Japan. She got confused with the time difference a bit and was over an hour off but Princess Three joined in from Iceland in the dark cold rain! 

Princess One's family stayed up a bit later than usual and were super good considering the five other people on one call and Princess Four got to see her sweet one month old new nephew for the first time! The other children were so cute wanting to talk and share and we got Grand-Princess one to sing a cute song she knows from the newest Disney movie. Most of us haven't seen it and didn't recognize it but those that did, said she had it word for word! 

I sent my Step-Mother and her mom a card last week to make sure they got their Mothers Day wishes and thought of my mother many times today.....  I was able to call someone like a mother to me for an hour yesterday which was lovely. I am blessed to have amazing women in my life!

It was just a really wonderful Mothers Day weekend! Of course, I love it when my girls sing and Princess Four and her Japanese only speaking companion was good to learn a song in English for us. Princess Four played the ukulele and sang and it was wonderful to hear. I videotaped the song so I could share it with you. 

I hope you enjoy them as much as we did! I hope you had a WONDERFUL and BLESSED Mothers Day! 

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