
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Haven't Heard Much From Japan - Transferred to Her Last Area

We didn't hear from Princess Four this week other than a one sentence "Please thank him for me!"

I don't know if she doesn't have the best internet or she thinks that we got it or that she didn't have time.... I was getting a little worried but then someone sent these pictures of her so I know she is alive and doing well.

Last week she had to send me two essays and a video for a scholarship application that was due. I was so upset that I sent the application information to her two weeks before and she asked some questions and then the next week she got transferred to another city and didn't have time to do it and then last week, she spent her usual email time doing the scholarship stuff and video and when I went to send it in, the applications spots for transferring students were full even though it was open for applications until June 1st.

I called up and visited with a few people and I guess they were going through them and allowed me to email them her video and essays. I then was able to fill out the forms online with the correct link. 

I was so grateful that she hadn't wasted her email time and not be able to apply. I was able to get two wonderful referrals from High School as I didn't have any contact information from her college professors and I was very grateful that the people I contacted were able to get them done quickly. 

Hopefully she will get the scholarship as it is $2000 a year on top of her academic scholarship but it is a very difficult program for top students so she will have to keep up her amazing track record of that near perfect GPA. 

I am posting the pictures that someone sent me as I shared I haven't heard anything about how the new area is going for nearly three weeks. I just got the "I arrived" emails three weeks back. I hope she is keeping a journal as there isn't much for this time on our end. 

I can share that I am getting super excited to see her in just over two months! Have a Blessed Day! 

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