
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Finally Heard From Princess Four in Japan - Oh Happy Day

Happy Day!!!! We think we figured out why we got no emails from Princess for three weeks. She was sending them and it would delete and wouldn't show up in her sent or bounce back so she thought they sent and we never got anything and she didn't have anything on her end to resend.... I suggested that she send the email without the pictures as sometimes they are the reason it doesn't go through.

She finally sent an IM last week asking if we got anything but we didn't so we are so happy it came through today. I am so excited we will be seeing her soon.

Enjoy..... "Let's all cross our fingers and hope this sends, Beautiful People! Sorry my dear sweet family about the last 2 emails.... Sorry....  I promise I wrote and sent them, but my iPad is being a little wacky right now.... so they just deleted when is hit the send button.... BUT its ok! I'll be sending just an email this time in the hopes it sends...... Ummmm....... long story short. I love Conference. My birthday was awesome. My companion, is the cutest. This area is rocking, and the church is still true!!!!  

BIGGEST SHOUT OUT TO SHIMAI one and SHIMAI two!! My beautiful MTC companion got married a few weeks ago, but due to deleting emails.... yeah... and My other beautiful half Japanese companion got engaged this week..... see you at the wedding!!! seriously... wow. They are too bijin!!!! AISHITEIMASU!!! Oh and congrats on my sisters baby.. that email also didn't send! 

Um... the only problem is that I have no time today! But on the bright side, I bought a new carry on, and other things I wanted for my whole mission today! 

I ALSO FOUND OUT THAT MY FAREWELL WILL BE ON JUNE 10th!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN COMING, PLEASE COME! I get back to America on the 8. So if you wanna meet me at the airport, DOZO! Ha 

Miracles of the week. 

THE EASTER PARTY! It was at the same time as eikaiwa, and 3 new students showed up, and the elders investigator came, and our investigator came, and and a less active we visited this week came!!!!  So good! Mmmm.... we went on splits! I love splits! 

Something that my Sister Training Leader retaught me this week, was that positivity is a choice! She asked how I am always happy... I didn't have to think too hard about it. Last week I felt sad after I found out my email didn't send, and then when me second email didn't send I was also feeling blue, but I realized that life is just life sometimes. We can choose to dwell on the sad and unfortunate things, or we can give gratitude and not let the bad things get us down. I was talking to a Japanese friend, and I asked if she was happy. Long story short. I am grateful for emotions to be able to feel angry and sad, but we don't need to dwell on those emotions. We can choose to change our attitude. I still can always be better, but really trusting in God is the best way to feel joy! 

I love you all! I hope you have a blessed week! See you sooner than you would think.... YIKES!! Bye bye!!!!" 

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