
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Snow Museums and Pictures With Strangers - Princess Four in Japan

So Beautiful people. Due to the Elders passing a referral/going to dinner with her, we ended our email time early last week, so enjoy two emails for the price of one!  But because I have so many pictures you still get two emails! Yay! 

This weeks miracles! First off.... I get to go to the giant Snow festival in Sapporo today due to Mission Leadership Council! I didn't get to go as a bean chan because we lived in Muroran and it was so far away, but today is my chance to see this world famous festival with so many cool snow sculptures! God loves me! The only bad part is that my beautiful bean is going to be on splits during that time, so I wont get to see it with her.... but she will go next year I know it! So be prepared for those pictures next week! Yay! 

But last weeks going to dinner instead of emailing was a party! We met the beautiful Naoko san and her cute daughter yutzuki chan! But we can call her Yuzu because she likes us! Yay 6 year olds! And the elders,they ran a very solid distance, from the church to the curry and nan restaurant, and then paid for our meals. SOOO NICE!!! Fullbright chourou transferred, but he is a zone leader, so its ok! That was my beautiful companion's first time at the restaurant Bistare Bistare. I hope Nepal Curry places are a thing in Utah because WE LOVE NAN!!! So much.

But cut to next week when we eat there again, but we end up being the only ones in the restaurant, so we get to talk to the three Nepal men. They are what I believe to be Hindu. Not quite sure, but they taught us that the red powder dot that women wear is called a shindaru. Not sure on the spelling, but you wear it when you get married, and from that point on, so that everyone knows you are married! So put Nepal on the list of places to visit it the future! They were very kind! I love nan. And the gospel. 

Bummer, but good news. We dropped our three Free Family English Program families this week. The 6 week program ended, and they weren't interested in the gospel, so we told them goodbye, sad, but also happy because now we have a lot more time to teach those who are ready to hear the gospel, and who are willing to come unto Christ and be baptized! Yay conversion! 

We also had transfers. I am still training my beloved Burinka Shimai! I love her so much! She is such a good missionary! Who is training who here? Really. I ask myself that every day. I learn so much from her! 

We taught a cute Eikaiwa this week. We had two newish students. We made everyone plane tickets, and made an airplane out of seats, and gave them drinks and snacks, and man my companion is so creative! 

Also Swan choro transferred, but now we have  Smith choro so it all works out!  

We were going to the bishops wife's English class to help her/sing to her students, and it was crazy! It was in the area south of ours which has an Eki(train/bus station) in it... people were stopping us! Not the other way around! Only like 2 people because we had to get to the class quickly, but because these two/3ish people stopped us, when we got to the stop light, you will never guess who we ran into. YUKA SAN! You may not remember her, but she is our favorite investigators right now! She doesn't live in that area, she lives in ours, so it was crazy that God placed her, and the people before, and everything in our path so that we could meet her at the cross walk! We have an appointment scheduled for next week, so everyone pray for Yuka san! 

We also met with Satomi chan! A new investigator! So when we met her, she took a Book of Mormon and made a really good relationship. We messaged her, and made a plan to go eat sushi together. Sushi and salvation. A perfect combination I think! We taught her the 1st lesson. She listen to all of it, and committed to praying and reading 3 Nephi chapter 11!  Yay!!!! It was so fun!  We tried to invite her to church, but she had plans to build a tree house with some people in the middle of winter, so you know. Maybe this week. Then she paid for our meal! Like 30 dollars worth of sushi. So she is a gem. I hope we can go to the winter matsuri together! And then after that she will follow Jesus Christ and be baptized, then go to the temple, and wow! See what a little sushi can do!? 

This week was so great! I don't believe in slow days. Things are really picking up here! Faith is powerful! I just want everyone to come unto Christ and feel clean and pure and joyful! That is what we can feel through repentance, and the gift of Jesus Christ's atonement! I love repentance. Do it daily. I implore you! You will feel better and happier, and more full of life! Pinky promise! If you don't believe me go read Mosiah 4. REPENTANCE = HAPPINESS. Yakusoku Shimasu! 
Make good choices! Love you! 

dinner! Bistare Bistare! 
Satomi chan and sushi(family Don't be Jealous) actually, nobody get jealous. You can all just come try Hokkaido sushi. It's so good. 
FFEP family and our final goodbye!
Last weeks email: 
AHHH!!! BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!! Quick update in the miracles of my life:

My companion fell down again... but she was ok! And a man gave us free tea because of it, so it worked out! 

We found 3 new investigators on Monday night! Yay! We followed the spirit, and saw so many blessings! Also we put flyers in a ton of doors, and we noticed that there was already a flyer in all the doors... so with 2 doors we left we looked at the other flyer....... It was from another Christian church... so that was a good time!!! 

I got sick this week! But then we got free food from like 3 different people. And soap from a lady at the store, and bath bombs, and senbei, and just so much free stuff! WHY ARE JAPANESE PEOPLE SO NICE!!! I also missed an appointment on accident due to my brain not being all there, but it mostly worked out....

We had splits while I was sick.... sorry Kumazaki shimai!!!! She is so kind, and patient. We met not one, but TWO hardcore Christians... They were not interested. One told us that Mormons weren't Christian.... I showed him the Book of Mormon.... Another Testament of Jesus Christ. And his picture in the front of the book... and the word Jesus Christ on our name tag. I mean we are missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.... all we do is teach about Christ! Haha it was really funny! 

American Burgers at Claps. Thank you Minamide Ke! 
Elsa or Anna..... 
free soap and water. Thank you Obachan!  

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