
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Best Valentines Day In Years - Wonderful Family

 I shared with you yesterday how I finished the "life quilt" I made for my father and his wife. 

I don't live near my dad and mom (step mom but I love her like a mother) but really wanted to give this quilt to them for Valentines Day as I didn't get it finished for Christmas with everything going on. 

I called them yesterday and asked if I could take them to dinner for Valentines Day. They didn't want me to make the long drive to their home just to take them to dinner but I told them sometimes they need to let others do nice things for them so I told them I wanted to take them and my step-mothers mom and Princess Two out to dinner. 

In honor of Princess Four being in Japan, I thought it would be fun to eat dinner at Benihanas as they said they had never eaten there before.

I couldn't get last minutes dinner reservations but I was able to get some for lunch so we adjusted our plans from dinner to lunch and Princess Two said she would be able to take a "half day" at work to go with us as well. 

We enjoyed a wonderful meal. It wasn't as exciting as I remember it being when I went on a date in high school but it was the lunch crowd verses dinner so it could have been that. I loved that our Chef was actually from Japan so we enjoyed visiting about that! 

I have a niece that just had an adorable baby girl and that was about the size of Princess One when she was born, and had just about as much hair also. I have to say that it brought back so many memories of having my first beautiful Princess. I loved that my niece and her husband were willing to allow us to visit and hold her sweet angel! 

We then headed to my dad's home where I gave them their Valentines gifts and had them open the quilt and other gifts. I think my dad was a bit shocked or overwhelmed at first as it seemed like he was confused as to what he was seeing but as I showed him the order of the squares and what they represented, he seemed excited about the quilt. 

We had a good laugh at some of the quilt squares and my dad mentioned he didn't want to use the quilt. I shared about the quilt his mother made for me when she went blind and tied the quilt blind. I never used the quilt because I didn't want it to get ruined but then not one of my children even recognize the quilt because it has been in the linen closet their entire lives and none of them ever remember using it.

I told him I think it is better to create memories with the quilt and enjoy using it as that is the purpose behind it! 

He asked me if I gave him the quilt and it was "his" now? I told him it for both of them, but yes, it was! He then told me he got to decide what to do with it then! This was said with a wink and a smile but I understood what he was saying. 

The best part of the entire day was that he allowed me to video tape him sharing many stories about his life in his own words and I heard about five stories I had never heard before! Princess Two said it was really neat hearing those stories from my father so I am super grateful that I was able to get up there today. It was also wonderful to videotape my dad and his wife sharing their "meeting and courtship" story.

I was also able to videotape my step-mothers mother who is 96 who lived on the island when Pearl Harbor was bombed. She shared her story with us on tape. I wish I had taken an external speaker but I have to be grateful for what I was able to get today and so grateful to be home and headed to bed now that it is nearly 3 a.m.! 
My dad and his wife were so sweet to get Princess Two and I flowers as well and I loved bringing them home and putting them out to enjoy the rest of the week!

I hope you all had a wonderful and Blessed Valentines Day!

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