
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Rice Smashing and Saying Goodbye in Japan - Princess Four

Hello BEAUTIFUL people! Um. No time today due to us streeting these two young men, and them coming to the church for our church's mochitsuki aka rice smashing party! IT was a party for sure! So many people came! It was perfect! And I helped our investigator download pictures from her Disney trip. So you know. All good stuff! 

Are you all genki? We are working really hard over here in Suehiro. We had our best day of finding. 29 meaningful contacts. That might sound small, but it was so big for us! We really tried hard to contact and invite everyone to Christ! 

It is crazy how many people aren't interested, but we are getting better at speaking, and being brave, and we can only go up from here! Training is sooooo fun!!!! I am soooooooo not perfect.... yikes.... BUT! CHRIST IS! So that is all that matters! 

We met a girl who said she wanted to learn about Mormons. That's pretty rare! She was the last girl we contacted yesterday. God is really great. We are grateful for Him!

WE fasted as a mission yesterday for our faith. I know the fast really helped us! WE LOVE FAITH! AND CHRIST! Faith is just SOOOO important! Um. Yeah. God is just so good! 

Went to Sapporo and talked to two nice men on the way there and back. AND SO DID MY BEAN! SHE IS SO BRAVE! We had Mission leadership conference, and I got to sleep the night in Higashi... oh man.. I love that area! 

Really. There are way more miracles, just no time!!! 
Yamada family. We will baptize them! 
My beloved CHORO!!!! Ah. My first District leader.... He is honestly the greatest missionary I know... 
My beloved Choro. My second district leader. He is honestly the most famous missionary I know. Lol. Shout out at his off Broadway performance! Really. He is toooo good! At all things! Good luck in the not mission world Elders! 

I love Japanese English! 
Mochi party! Bean paste with strawberry! 10/10 would recommend!  

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