
Friday, December 15, 2017

Making Window Clings From a Kit with Grand-Princess-One

While visiting my grandchildren this past week, I shared that I took up lots of activities to keep the kids entertained. One of the favorite activities was making window clings. 

I bought several cling kits a few years ago and the kids made them but I ended up with one set left and found it while I have been cleaning out the sewing / craft room. I packed some of the kits up and took them with me to do with the grandchildren. 

Grand-Princess LOVED making the clings. I realized quickly that it was a project probably for a child older than three but if the point is the child having fun, this activity was a hit.

She squeezed the paint bottles so much that it pooled the pain and then it spread thick rather than keeping its shape but she was super excited about just making something and squeezing the paint and as you can see by the pictures, she was happy with it all. 

I was sad that the black paint got thick and gooey and I didn't want to deal with it so we just used the two colors and I made a bunch of hearts with the extra paint as I didn't want to bring anything home so I hurried and made a sun and lots of hearts so I could put them on the front window to remind the kids of the fun.  
Of course the joy of any of these activities was just doing something with them. I thought it was a great activity and if your child is a few years older, you can explain that they need to put less paint on or I suggest that you use q-tips to pull the paint thinner if needed but don't make it too thin or when it dries, it becomes really transparent and rips as you take it off the plastic. 

Because she made hers so thick, I had to let it dry overnight and then flip it over onto a new plastic sheet as the middle was too thick and couldn't dry underneath. I let the flip side dry for a few hours and then we could put it on the windows. 

I took turns lifting the kids up to the window and having them put the clings up. They were SO cute putting them up and feeling a sense of accomplishment as they could see the pictures increasing on the window. 

I would have loved to make a hand or foot print of their little hands and feet and use the paint for that but we tried to use the patterns in the book. Thinking about it now, I would have just made an outline of their hand and foot and made some clings of that but isn't it so easy to look back and see what you "should have done." It really didn't matter, they had fun and I had fun so it was worth it. 

Older kids could really have fun with this writing their names etc. They sell the kits online for around $20 depending on how many paints come with the kit. Don't get confused with the "Painted stained glass" paints and kits as those are different than the "cling" kits and the paint is VERY toxic smelling for the stained glass activities. I saw that they have stained glass "cling" sets so that would be fine but just not the painted on stained glass. If you choose to do the stained glass, make sure you are outside as it is super stinky. 

This isn't an activity that is finished  fast, it takes time for these clings to dry so know that in advance if you want to make them, it isn't something they can take home after making them until they dry and if they are thick, it takes lots of time and flipping to make sure the paint doesn't stain everything it touches even your skin. Wear an apron before making these as the paints do stain. 

It was fun, they were entertained and I loved pulling out from the house and seeing the clings in the front window. It was a good time! 

Have a BLESSED Day!

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