
Friday, December 22, 2017

A Week Before Christmas In Japan - Princess Four

美人な人。bijin na Hito. Beautiful people! 元気?!genki?? Are you well?! I just realized that the next time I email you is Christmas... wow! Let's just let that sink in! Also just FYI, New Years here is a big deal, and people have already lined up meals to feed us everyday, and wow. Why are people so nice!?  So Merry Christmas everyone! 

This week's miracles!!!! 
The elders both became santa and trainee santa... they were so adorable! And of course at least two kids cried, but really, I'm just so glad that the elders were able to help out the children! Too fun!

We had splits! Cutie and  Shimai. It's funny because one was just barely released as a Sister Training leader, and the other one is fluent in both English and Japanese. So really, who trained who here??? It was so good. Komura and I were able to teach a free family English program. We taught the whole first lesson in like maybe 15 minutes. It was one of the best times I think I've ever taught it.

We played a matching game to match the pamphlet pictures. The three boys were just slightly rowdy when we started, and they were all standing up. Once we started talking about Joseph smith they all slowly sat down, and the moms were trying hard to look at the pictures we were holding up.

I said the first vision, and we went into how Joseph Smith translated the  Book of Mormon. One of the moms had gone to eikaiwa before a long time ago, but she had never heard out churches beliefs. After the lesson she mentioned how she read the bible as a young girl. When she read about god knowing all of the hairs on your head she cried because her parent didn't care very much about her. So I see some really good potential! 
I also became a sannin. AKA I'm in a tripanionship! Thank you sister trainer! And.... no time.....  Love you all!

Have a Very Blessed Christmas!

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