
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Princess Four Is a Japanese Card - Fun in Japan

Hello To the most Beautiful people! Genki? I'm Genki....  Wanna know why??!?!?! BECAUSE I STAYED IN SUEHIRO WITH MY DEAR BELOVED SUDA SHIMAI!

Oh. I also became a Sister Training Leader. Don't really know what's in store, but be prepared for lots of fun split stories, because I will be going on exchanges quite a bit!  
Let's just jump right in, shall we? Oh.. and also it is my year one mark this week on the 16th.... um..... I'm just going to leave it at that.. JUST KIDDING!! IM GOING TO TELL YOU EVERYTHING I LIKE ABOUT JAPAN! Ok... Maybe not everything, because there is too much! But buckle your seat belts.

Things I like about Japan:

The church, and the people, and the food are of course at the very top, but I think we should talk about the stuff you won't see in America.
100 cent sushi.
Everyone's hair being black.
Cute characters being a part of their culture. Like Winnie the Pooh, but different.
The HUGE snow piles.
The parks. So many.
So many children.
Pinging. Oh. Calling ringing the doorbell, pinging. But pinging a house two times, then knocking and saying Konnichiwa. Sometimes saying Ohaiyo or good morning when its night time and you're supposed to say Konbanwa.

THE CLOTHES. Some are so stylish. others have funny English. Others just make you laugh. But the English here.... there is funny English on everything. I will miss that.

The dollar stores. They are actually good quality, and are a missionary's dream!
Japanese is also at the top of the list. There are so many phrases and sound words, Like Natsukashi. Which means Nostalgic. But we don't say them in America. BOOHOO!

People carrying HUGE bags of stuff all the time. Why. IDK. But it happens.

People staring at you because you aren't Japanese. And young boys yelling 'Beautiful' at you, and speaking the little English they know. Wow I could go on forever, but I just know that I love Japan. SO MUCH!

Let's switch gears here, and focus on why I am even in Japan in the first place.
Things I like about the gospel:
God is our loving Heavenly Father. He wants to hear from us, and is always listening. He wants to hear about the good things in our lives, and the hard things too. From problems such as losing a pencil, to crying because you don't feel good enough at teaching, or riding a bike, or speaking Japanese. He will always be there to comfort you! 
Christ and his Atonement. I can't tell you how important this is. Do you realize that the Savior suffered for all your pains and sins and afflictions, so that you don't have too? Yes, there will always be consequences to our actions, but we can be forgiven only through this precious gift!
Everyone has spiritual gifts. We can develop them. The gift of tongues is real.
Whom the Lord calls, he qualifies. 
Hymns have power. 
Happiness and Joy are choices, and we can become most happy through living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Wow. I could also go on forever about this, but time is a tickin! 

This week was fun! And good! And I just love everything! 
Highlights of the week! We had a birthday party, and Suda Shimai rocked the message, and was able to share the story of Joseph smith to a ton of people! Wahoo!! 

Man I am blanking on what happened this week. I studied a lot about Joseph smith. I testify that he was a prophet, and that his experiences are true. He really did meet God and Jesus, and translate the Book of Mormon!
Yesterday, I was like "hey, let's ping this house," and Suda Shimai was like, that is a less active member who the Elders are focusing on... and so we went and shared a message. Then Suda shimai was like, "I think this is a members house, let's ping it." So we did.... And she was right it was a member, but not the member she thought, and this member is a grandma who was baptized when she was 16... And when she got married she stopped coming to church... SO UM WHAT THE SPIRIT IS REAL!!!!  We were able to visit/find 2 less actives. The church is true! 


Someone made us cards!
Noa and Yuu. 
Birthday party! 
I did her hair in a "Fish bone" but you can't see.. sorry!
We like sushi and dragon fruit!
Again. Noa and Yuu! Yeah! 

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