
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Pirate Treasure Chest Halloween Tradition a Hit Once Again

I have been so busy with working on the house and yard that I didn't even realize that Halloween was today until yesterday.

With no kids home to keep me on track with school activities and costume prep, I just didn't pay attention to the actual number days of the month. I was visiting with a friend yesterday when I realized that today was Halloween. 

I spent the evening setting up the pirate and digging out the jewelry and treats and putting them all out. With no one home to enjoy the decorations, I didn't set any up as I am working more on getting things put away and cleaned out rather than spending time on putting up decorations. 

I was finishing up washing the outside of the windows when the first kids started coming for trick-or-treating. I hurried to clean up putting the ladder and cleaning stuff away so I could get inside for the kids. 

I did have a GREAT time skyping with my grandchildren in their costumes as they were on their way out the door just as kids started showing up at my house. 

The cute family next door came over and their youngest son came running up the walk screaming my name. It was adorable. I had pulled out something I thought they may like and gave the items to them and took a picture of the family as they didn't have one all together. 

I once again put all the jewelry out and also had a bowl of candy for those that didn't want jewelry and I had a few kids take lots of candy so I didn't go through even one bowl of candy. Most of the kids wanted jewelry. More of the teen boys just wanted candy but some took jewelry.

It was interesting to see those of different ages and ethnicity take different types of jewelry. I had so much this year that there was something for everyone. 

It was the first year that none of my kids friends came to my house and it was the first year my sisters family didn't come. I was just telling someone how weird it was to not have people I know come when my twin nieces showed up. I loved getting a hug and took a picture of the beautiful costumes my sister made. She is so talented. 

I had a cute family show up with their little two year oldish daughter and on her own, she told me thank you. She can hardly speak and yet she thanked me. Each time that happened during the night, I gave the child that thanked me first an extra treat to reward them for their gratitude. 

I asked if I could take a picture of them and they told me I could and then the dad told me who he was and I couldn't believe how grown up he was with a child of his own. He went to school with my girls. I used to trade out tumbling lessons for the girls and cleaned his house in trade! His family is adorable and I was glad I got to catch up with his family who has since moved from the area!

I had LOTS of people say their kids kept hounding them to come to my house as they loved getting jewelry and trinkets last year. I had one boy show me the watch he was wearing that he got at my house last year. I had several kids and families tell me my house was the "best house ever." I also overheard several kids telling their friends, "See, I told you this house was the coolest" and similar comments. 

I had a new first this year. I had twice when I had large back-ups of people waiting to get in. Once there was a line down the front steps and it took a minute or two to clear out as people took turns picking an item.

There was about a five minute gap at one point while I was sweeping the front stairs and I figured maybe we were done for the night but then I had a line of people waiting down the stairs, down the front sidewalk all the way to the street sidewalk! 

I have never had that happen before. It wasn't one large group, there were probably five - seven groups waiting for a turn. I also heard that some people tweeted and snap chatted and took pictures of their kids choosing so perhaps that was why there was a run on the house. 

I was glad that the tradition has taken off and that people can come and enjoy picking something they like. One guy told me that they went to a house last year where the kids got five tickets each and could purchase treats or toys depending on how they used their tickets similar to an arcade. I thought that was a cute idea but wouldn't want to have to spend the time and energy. With this, I just explained the situation and kept cleaning. lol I didn't have to watch or hand them anything, they all got to pick what they wanted. 

It was a great night and I feel like it wasn't wasted getting up and down fielding the doorbell. I just left the door open and kept cleaning and when someone came up, I told them the drill and they picked their item and left. I did take pictures of some as you can see and the last picture is of a family that came last year and she was taking a picture of them as I took a picture of her. She was telling me how much they wanted to come back this year. 

I don't know where I will be next year as I may go visit the grandchildren over Halloween or something. I know if I am here, it will be another busy night! 

I hope you had a happy Hallowed Eve! Today is the most holy day of the year, thus, Halloween was Hallowed Eve!

Have a Blessed Day! 

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